5900.1: District Safety and Security and Emergency Management Plans

I. District Safety and Security Procedures.Ìý

The District will have written safety and security procedures that are disseminated to all principals and supervisors. District safety and security procedures will be implemented by all schools and buildings that house staff members or students within the District.Ìý

A. The District’s safety and security procedures will include, at a minimum, the following:

1. Building access control.

2. Identification of school employees, contractors, vendors, and visitors.

3. Evacuation of buildings and campuses.

4. Implementation of the District Incident Command Team roles and responsibilities.

5. Guidelines for building level Safety and Security Plans.

6. District-wide alert procedures that when activated will initiate pre-established actions for staff and students in emergency situations.

7. Requirement that each school have a violence prevention program.

8. Guidelines for managing angry and out-of-control parents or adults who are visitors to С»ÆѼÊÓƵ; are abusive to students, staff or other visitors; and substantially disrupt the educational process.

9. Guidelines for monitoring and managing violent student behavior.

10 Post-intervention procedures for assisting students and staff after an emergency.

11. Guidelines for utilization of and training requirements for security staff and School Resource Officers within each school or building.

12. Guidelines for maintenance of grounds and facilities relative to safety and security

13. Guidelines for staff development relative to safety and security for all District employees.

II. District Emergency Management Plan.Ìý

The District will develop and implement an Emergency Management Plan that will provide District-wide procedures for dealing with emergencies. The Emergency Management Plan will:

A. Contain the emergency procedures for responding to the following situations: abduction/missing/runaway student, bomb threats, school vehicle accident, earthquake or tornado, fire/gas leak/explosion, guns or weapons on campus, hostage situations, sexual battery, shooting or stabbing, student major disruption/demonstrations, and student/parent/staff death, suicide, or attempted suicide.Ìý

B. Be reviewed and updated annually.

C. Be disseminated to all principals and designated personnel who are responsible for managing students in emergency situations.

III. District Safety and Security Committee.Ìý

The District will develop and implement a standing District Safety and Security Committee.

A. The Director of Student Services will chair a standing District Safety and Security Committee which will be composed of:

1. District administrators;

2. District certificated staff;

3. Secondary students;

4. Parents; and

5. Community members.

B. The Safety and Security Committee will meet at least annually to review safety and security plans and procedures, including emergency management plans and procedures, and to make recommendations for changes in existing procedures or recommendations for new procedures which address the changing security needs of the District.

IV. District Crisis Team.Ìý

A District Crisis Team will be developed and implemented. Crisis Team members will receive specialized training to assist building administrators in providing psychological support during and after times of crisis. The specialized training will help personnel to direct crisis resolution activities and to counsel students and staff in coping with the aftermath of crisis situations.

V. Evaluation and Review.Ìý

District safety and security plans and procedures will be evaluated annually and revised according to areas of identified need.

A. The safety and security plans and/or facilities of the District’s buildings will be reviewed at least annually by the District Safety and Security Committee and the Director of Student Services or designee.

B. The District’s safety and security plans will be reviewed annually by one (1) or more persons who are not on the District’s Safety and Security Committee and who are not employees of the District. This review will include a visit to school buildings to analyze plans, policies, procedures, and practices, and provide recommendations. Any recommendations made as a result of the analysis will be forwarded to the Director of Student Services and to the District’s Safety and Security Committee to be considered in making revisions to the District’s safety and security plan.

Date of Adoption
March 19, 2001
Date of Revision
May 4, 2015
November 3, 2008
March 21, 2022