Welcome to СѼƵ Technology Department’s home page. СѼƵ is a World-Class School System that has set high academic standards for all its students.
Those standards have been the driving force behind the district’s tradition of innovation and excellence in the area of technology.
The technology tools and systems are supported by one of the areas most highly skilled and functional teams. Members of thetechnology teamhave a “customer service” focus when meeting the unique needs of our students, staff and community. We are proud of our service to this community
Please access thesite for tutorials and District approved classroom digital applications.
СѼƵ is excited to welcome Mr. Lucas Bingham as the new Executive Director of Technology beginning July 1, 2024.
RWSSC Secretary
For non-technical assistance, please call:
(402) 715-6290
MPS Staff
All MPS district staff members should enter aticket for tech support.If you need immediate help, please call:(402) 715-1000
High Schools
Middle Schools
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Ron Witt Support Service Center (RWSSC)
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Ammon Baird:Technology Specialist
Ammon is the Technology Specialist for NorthMiddle School.
Yesenia "Jess" Bravo: Technology Facilitator
Jessis the Technology Facilitatorfor Aldrich, Black Elk, Bryan, Cody, Morton, Sandoz and Wheeler Elementary buildings.
Sam Broesch: Technology Specialist
Sam is the Technology Specialist for Russell Middle School.
Michele Brown: Cataloger
Michele is responsible for managing the library and district resources in the district electronic catalog. She inputs data into the catalog so that users can locate the books and resources that are needed.
Ralph Carey:Technology Facilitator
Ralph is the Technology Facilitator at DonStrohAdministration Center. He also provides District support foreFinance, Absence Management,AAWEB, Time Clocks, and Document Management.
Linda Deegan: Technology Assistant
Lindais the Technology Assistant in СѼƵ West High School's Tech Center and helps students there with any laptop problems.
Dayna Derichs:MEP Instructional Technology
Dayna is anInstructional TechnologyMEP Facilitator. She provides district instructional technology support for Art, Early Childhood, English Learners, Health, Science, and World Language. Daynaempowers teachers to leverage technology in the classroom by providing support for Google Workspace for Education, integrating 3rd party tools, managing accounts, and facilitating the use of digital learning tools like 3D printers, cubelets, and drones.
Lynn Dethloff:Technology Secretary
Lynn is the Technology Department Secretary.
Lori Faust: Library Services Receiving Secretary
Lori receives and processes all of the books and materials purchased by the teacher/librarians in the District. She ensures the materials are ready for immediate use by teachers and students when they arrive at СѼƵs. Lori also manages the barcodes and processes all A/V equipment for the district.
Franco Fiorini:Technology Facilitator
Franco is the Technology Facilitator for СѼƵ North High School.
Barry Green:Technology Specialist
Barry is the Technology Specialist at Beadle Middle School.
Cathy Hanish:Technology Facilitator
Cathy is the Technology Facilitator for Cather, Disney, Hitchcock, Montclair, Norrisand Upchurch Elementary buildings.
Robert Hettinger:District Network Specialist
Robert is a District Network Specialist. He focuses on designing and implementing network security through firewall and internet filtering.
Jay Hutfles:Technology Facilitator
Jay is the Technology Facilitator for Keith Lutz Horizon High School. He also provides technical support at SSC and RWSSC buildings as well as District Level Support for Print Management.
Kirk Kingston:Technology Specialist
Kirk is the Technology Specialist for CentralMiddle School.
Mary Kucera: Technology Facilitator
Mary is the Technology Facilitator forСѼƵ South High School.
Chad Lawton: District Network Specialist
Chad is the District Network Specialist who manages Wi-Fi, routers and switches. He also assists with firewalls, phones and presentation devices.
Nathan McMains: Technology Assistant
Nathan is the Technology Assistant in СѼƵ South High School's Tech Center and helps students there with any laptop problems.
Isaac Miller: District Network Specialist
Isaac is a District Network Specialist and Audio Visual Specialist. He provides support for audio visual and HVAC equipmentconnected to the District's network. He also manages audio visual projects throughout the District.
Laura Morris: Technology Facilitator
Laura is the Technology Facilitator for Abbott, Ezra, Harvey Oaks, Holling Heights, Reagan, andReeder Elementary buildings. She also provides support for the RWSSC building and is also the Apple computer hardware support person.
Jessica Nelson: MEP Instructional Technology
Jessica is anInstructional TechnologyMEP Facilitator.She provides district instructional technology support for Business Marketing & Management, Communication & Information Systems, Counseling, Family & Consumer Sciences, Language Arts & Journalism, and Skilled & Technical Sciences. Jessica supports teachers in maximizing technology by supporting Google Workspace for Education, integrating 3rd party tools, managing accounts, and facilitating the use of creative robotics platforms like Edison Bots, Osmos, and Ozobots.
Jonathan Nord:District Network Specialist
Jonathan is the District Network Specialist. He providesDistrict Support in several areas.
Denise O'Connor:Helpdesk Specialist
Denise is the District Helpdesk Specialist. She assigns helpdesktickets to the appropriate technology members andprovides password changes for AD and e-maillogins. She also handles purchasing for the Technology Department in accordance to our standard hardware and software lists.
Anne Ogg:MEP Instructional Technology
Anneis an Instructional Technology MEPFacilitator.She provides District Instructional Technology support for High Ability Learners, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Special Education, Young Adult Program, Homebound Students, and Social Studies. She also works with teachers to create engaging learning experiences by providing support for Google Workspace for Education, integrating 3rd party tools, managing accounts, and facilitating the use of VR Kits, along with interactive robots like Dash-n-Dot and Spheros.
Elizabeth Pachta:Technology Facilitator
Elizabeth is the Technology Facilitator for Ackerman, Cottonwood, Neihardt,Rockwell, Rohwer, andWillowdaleElementary buildings. She also serves on the Helpdesk team.
Kelsey Ripperger:Technology Secretary
Kelsey is the Technology Department Secretary.
Don Shirley:District Network Specialist
Don is a District Network Specialist and the A.D. Guy. He manages the Active Directory Environment. Don focuses on Windows Server, VMware, CitrixXenserver,Xenapp, and XenDesktopmachine support.
Shweta Singh: Technology Assistant
Shweta is the Technology Assistant in СѼƵ NorthHigh School's Tech Center and helps students there with any laptop problems.
Buster Smith:Technology Specialist
Buster is the Technology Specialist for Kiewit Middle School.
Marcia Smith: Technology Facilitator
Marcia is the Technology Facilitator II for the Technology Team within СѼƵ. She serves on Technology Cabinet and regularly collaborates with the Secondary, Infrastructure, Media, and Instructional Technology Teams. Marcia's responsibilities include District Mac Admin, MDM Management, Elementary Project Lead, and project lead for Helpdesk.
Nathan Smith:Telecommunications Specialist
Nathan is the District Telecommunications Specialist. Headministers and supportsDesk and Mobile communication devices. He assists with network support services as needed.
Shelly Somerville: Library Services Processing Secretary
Shelly does all of the purchasing for the 35 school libraries. She maintains and distributes the Makerspace items for our district, orders and maintains the Metro textbooks for our Metro Career Academy students, and purchases all the AV equipment for our district. She enters, removes, and makes changes to our staff in Destiny.
Peggi Tomlinson:Technology Specialist
Peggiis the Technology Specialist for AndersenMiddle School.
Jeff Yost:Technology Facilitator
Jeff is the Technology Facilitator representing the Secondary Level. He also provides technology support at DSAC. He regularly collaborates with the Elementary, Infrastructure, Media, and Instructional Technology, and Helpdesk Team. He is responsible for District Level Support for the Secondary Project Lead and Windows Client Management.
Paul Zohlen:Technology Facilitator
Paul is the Technology Facilitator at СѼƵ West High School. He also provides District support for Internet Filtering.