3000: Support Services

3000: Support Services unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:32

3110: Preparation of Budget

3110: Preparation of Budget holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:06

The Superintendent shall annually present a recommended budget to the Board of Education for its consideration and adoption (or amendment and adoption as amended). Such budget shall present budgeted revenues, expenditures, and tax levies that are within the parameters established by law.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
September 15, 1997
October 19, 1998
July 7, 2008
November 20, 2017
June 6, 2022

3110.1: Program Budgeting

3110.1: Program Budgeting holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:10

The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee shall develop and publish or otherwise distribute the procedures for the budget development process.

The budget development process, called Program Budgeting, without limitation, shall:

I. Provide for involvement and participation of administrators, staff members, and others interested in the conduct of the business of the District;

II. Provide for a general fund cash reserve of no less than sevenpercent (7%) and no more than twentypercent (20%) of the anticipated budget of expenditures for the year;

III. Provide in the general fund contingency for unanticipated expenses of no less than one-fifth of onepercent (0.2%) and no more than one percent (1%) of the anticipated budget of expenditures for the year;

IV. Provide a tangible, demonstrable connection between assessments of operational curriculum effectiveness and allocation of resources;

V. Provide a rank ordering of program components providing flexibility in budget expansion, reduction, or stabilization based on changing needs or priorities;

VI. Provide for cost-benefit analyses in the decision-making process;

VII. Provide for budget requests or submissions with descriptions that permit evaluation of consequences of funding or non-funding in terms of performance or results;

VIII. Provide for budget requests that compete with each other for funding based upon evaluation of criticality of need and relationship to achievement of curriculum effectiveness; and,

IX. Provide a timetable or schedule for implementation of the budget development process and the preparation of the final budget to be presented to the Board of Education.

Prior to September1, the Superintendent shall present to the Board of Education the Superintendent’s proposed budget for the ensuing school year. The Board of Education shall review the Superintendent’s proposed budget and may amend such as it deems advisable.

Prior to adopting the District’s budget for the ensuing year, the Board of Education shall publish the proposed budget and conduct a hearing on such as required by law. The Board, after the public hearing, shall adopt the proposed budget (or amend and adopt the budget as amended) and shall cause it to be filed and appropriate tax levies to be set as required by law.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1995
Date of Revision
November 16, 1998
July 7, 2008
November 20, 2017
June 6, 2022

3111: Accounts Receivable - Collection Agencies

3111: Accounts Receivable - Collection Agencies holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:13

The District may engage the service of collection agencies to assist with the collection of overdue accounts, insufficient fund checks, and other unpaid obligations due and owing to the District.

Date of Adoption
November 1, 2010
October 2, 2017

3121: Accounting Practices

3121: Accounting Practices holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:17

The fiscal accounting and reporting practices of the District shall be in conformance with Nebraska Department of Education regulations and all other relevant state and federal laws.

Date of Adoption
April 19, 2010
October 2, 2017

3122: Purchasing Cards

3122: Purchasing Cards holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:19

Purchasing cards may be used for purchases made on behalf of the District. The issuance and use of such purchasing cards shall be subject to the procedures promulgated by the superintendent (or designee).

Date of Adoption
May 16, 2011
Date of Revision
August 1, 2016
September 05, 2023

3122.1: Purchasing Cards

3122.1: Purchasing Cards holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:21

The Superintendent (or designee) shall have the authority to contract with one or more financial institutions, card-issuing banks, credit card companies, charge card companies, debit card companies, or third-party merchant banks capable of operating the purchasing card program on behalf of the District.

The persons assigned a purchasing card shall be limited to individuals (1) who have job responsibilities that include the authority and responsibility for making purchases on behalf of the District, (2) who have been recommended to be issued a purchasing card by his/her supervisor, (3) whose supervisor has agreed to review and approve monthly purchasing card statements submitted by him/her, (4) who has satisfactorily completed the District’s purchasing card training and testing program, (5) who is determined by the superintendent (or designee) to have a need to have access to such purchasing card, and (6) who has received written approval from the superintendent (or designee) to be issued such purchasing card.

The Superintendent (or designee) shall also have the authority and responsibility for promulgating procedures related to the issuance and use of purchasing cards in the District.

Such procedures shall, inter alia, provide the following:

1. That an itemized receipt for purposes of tracking expenditures shall accompany all purchasing card purchases. In the event that a receipt does not accompany such a purchase, purchasing card privileges shall be temporarily or permanently suspended in accordance with the District’s policies, rules, and procedures.

2. That upon the termination or suspension of employment of an individual using a purchasing card, such individual's purchasing card account shall be immediately closed and he or she shall return the purchasing card to the District’s business office.

3. That no officer or employee of a political subdivision shall use a District purchasing card for any unauthorized use.

Date of Adoption
August 1, 2016
September 05, 2023

3131: Employee Expense Reimbursement

3131: Employee Expense Reimbursement holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:25

Employees of СѼƵ district may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties for the District including, but not limited to, travel costs and other expenses approved in accordance with the rules and/or administrative procedures promulgated under this policy.

Date of Adoption
March 18, 2002
Date of Revision
September 2, 2008
April 17, 2017

3150: Fundraising Activities by the School

3150: Fundraising Activities by the School holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:27

The schools may fundraise for student activities, school projects, and non-profit charitable organizations provided that such fundraising does not restrict or impair the educational program and is consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Policies and Rules.

The District does not by this Policy create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the acceptable fundraising activities conducted district-wide.

Date of Adoption
July 9, 2007
Date of Revision
October 7, 2013
September 8, 2020

3150.1: Fundraising Activities by the School

3150.1: Fundraising Activities by the School holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:32

Individual schools may choose to participate in fundraising activities to benefit СѼƵ, the student activities of СѼƵ, school projects, and non-profit charitable organizations, provided that such fundraising does not restrict or impair the educational program and is consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Policies and Rules, including 1115.1, 1340.1, 3614.1, 3921.1, 6700.1, and 7305.1. Permission to conduct these fundraising activities must be approved by СѼƵ principal prior to the commencement of the fundraising activity.

Individual schools may not commence or participate in any fundraising activities to raise funds for any “special project” as that term is defined in District Rule 3614.1 until the special project and fundraising activity has been pre-approved by the Superintendent (or designee). If a school, parent or community group wishes to engage in fundraising for a “special project,” building principals shall follow the procedures for submitting special projects to the Superintendent (or designee) set forth in District Rule 3614.1.

The schools may advertise fundraising events in the Activities Express newspaper, if such assistance is determined by the Superintendent or designee to be consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Policies and Rules. Promotional material for fundraising activities taking place in individual schools may be distributed to students by school staff members only. Promotional material for fundraising activities taking place in individual schools may be distributed in the individual school newsletters and newspapers.

The only authorized district-wide campaigns for solicitation of funds from employees and students will be the United Way campaign and the СѼƵ Foundation campaign.

Participation in fundraising activities by students and staff must be voluntary.

Schools may not use class time to participate in fundraising activities, unless the fundraising activity is within the context of a curricular program.

Schools may not use door-to-door solicitations in their fundraising activities.

Schools may not exclude any students from attending celebratory or recognition activities that occur as a result of fundraising activities.

The District does not by this Rule create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the acceptable fundraising activities conducted district-wide.

Date of Adoption
July 9, 2007
Date of Revision
October 7, 2013
September 8, 2020

3215: Tuition Fees

3215: Tuition Fees holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:36

Students from other districts attending СѼƵ shall be subject to tuition when permitted by law and as established by the Board of Education.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
January 21, 2019
August 16, 2010

3215.1: Students - Tuition

3215.1: Students - Tuition holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:37

Any student who does not qualify for free tuition shall be charged tuition in an amount equal to the “Annual Cost Per Pupil ADM” contained in the most recent Annual Financial Report filed with the Nebraska Department of Education. One-half of such tuition shall be paid to the District before such student is admitted to classes each semester.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
April 4, 2011
January 21, 2019

3225: Property - Sales and Disposal

3225: Property - Sales and Disposal holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:40

The superintendent (or designee) shall be authorized to sell or otherwise dispose of any surplus property or equipment in the District.Prior to such sale, the surplus property or equipment shall be presented to the Board in the District Treasurer’s Report.

The superintendent (or designee) shall select a method of sale that is likely to produce the greatest return for the district.Such method may include, but is not necessarily limited to, local public auctions, online electronic auctions, negotiations,sales to employees for not less than fair market value,or trade-ins.If, after due diligence, it is determined that an item has no monetary value, the item may be recycled or otherwise disposed of.

The proceeds from the sale of property shall be applied first to the costs associated with the sale.The remaining balance, if any, shall be receipted into District funds as directed by the superintendent (or designee).

The superintendent (or designee) may promulgate administrative procedures to further the implementation of this policy.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
March 7, 1994
April 18, 2011
April 16, 2018
March 5, 2018

3235: Gifts, Donations, and Grants

3235: Gifts, Donations, and Grants holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:45

Gifts, Donations, and Grants. The District welcomes gifts, donations, and grants from individuals and organizations that will enhance the District’s educational programs or extracurricular activities, that are consistent with the terms of the District’s policies and rules and are permitted under any applicable state and federal laws. The District reserves the right to refuse, cancel or terminate any gift, donation, or grant that is deemed to be not appropriate for or contributing to the District’s educational mission and goals, that would adversely impact the District, or for any reason set forth in the District’s policies and rules. Once accepted, all gifts, donations, and grants become the property of the District. The acceptance or rejection of any gift, donation, or grant shall not be considered an endorsement of any kind by the District.

Acceptance of any gifts, donations, and grants by the District shall be in accordance with applicable District policies, rules, and procedures.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
May 21, 2007
October 7, 2013
January 3, 2022
January 20, 2020

3235.1: Gifts, Donations, and Grants

3235.1: Gifts, Donations, and Grants holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:48

I. Gifts and Donations

A. Gifts and donations that satisfy the criteria below may be accepted by building principals on behalf of the District although the Superintendent (or designee) has the ultimate authority with respect to any gift or donation. To be acceptable by a building principal, a gift or donation must satisfy all of the following criteria:

1. Shall have a purpose consistent with those of the District;

2. Shall not bring undesirable or hidden costs to the District;

3. Shall not place restrictions on СѼƵ program;

4. Shall not deter the best instructional practice of students;

5. Shall not imply endorsement of any business or product;

6. Shall not be in conflict with any provision of the District rules or public law;

7. Shall not be intended for or to be used for a “special project” as defined in District Rule 3614.1 unless the special project has been previously approved by the Superintendent (or designee) as provided herein.

8. Shall not be a donation of technology unless the donation has been previously approved by the Superintendent (or designee);

9. Shall not be a donation with a value in excess of $10,000 unless the donation has been approved by the Superintendent (or designee).

B. Once accepted, any gift or donation shall become the property of the District. The Superintendent (or designee) shall have the right to cancel or terminate any gift or donation after acceptance if the Superintendent (or designee) determines that in his or her discretion, the gift or donation no longer serves the best interest of the District.

C. The acceptance of any gift or donation shall not be construed as an endorsement of any particular individual, business enterprise or commercial product by the District. The District may, but is not required to publicly recognize donors as part of an acceptance of any gift or donation.

II. Grants.

A. Grants of more than $5000 require approval from the Grants Office prior to submission.

B. If a grant proposal/application submission would provide funding for any “special project” as that term is defined in District Rule 3614.1, the special project must be pre-approved by the Superintendent (or designee) prior to submitting it to the Grants Office for review and approval.

C. Grant funding shall be used by СѼƵ and/or the District only as specified in the proposal, funding award notification, and/or applicable state and federal law unless prior approval has been obtained in writing from the funding source.

D. The Superintendent (or designee) shall have the right to cancel or terminate any grant if the Superintendent (or designee) determines that in his or her discretion that the grant no longer serves the best interest of the District.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
May 21, 2007
October 7, 2013
January 3, 2022
January 20, 2020

3300: Purchasing - General

3300: Purchasing - General holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:51

Purchasing of goods and services for the District shall be done efficiently, economically, competitively and without prejudice or favoritism towards any vendor. All purchases shall be made in a manner consistent with federal law, state law, and District policies, rules, and procedures.

Date of Revision
February 3, 1992
September 6, 2011
October 7, 2019

3300.1: Purchasing - Goods and Services

3300.1: Purchasing - Goods and Services holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:54

Purchasing of goods and services for the District shall be done efficiently, economically, competitively and without prejudice or favoritism towards any vendor. All purchases shall be made in a manner consistent with federal law, state law, and District policies, rules, and procedures.

In making purchasing decisions, consideration must be given to the quoted price but may also be given (when appropriate) to other factors including, but not limited to:

A. Quality and reliability of the product or service
B. Availability of repair services and replacement parts
C. Availability and reliability of product support
D. Economy and efficiency which may result from standardization
E. Compatibility with the end user’s needs
F. Timely delivery
G. Compliance of vendors with District policies and rules as well as applicable law

The superintendent (or designee) may develop administrative procedures consistent with this Rule. Such procedures may provide specific steps to be followed in purchasing certain goods and/or services. Upon publication of such administrative procedures, all purchases encompassed by the procedures shall thereafter be made in a manner consistent with such procedures.

In the event the superintendent (or designee) determines that a product or service has characteristics that are sufficiently unique to preclude price quotes from competing vendors, the superintendent (or designee) may proceed with negotiating a purchase of the product or service if, in his/her opinion, the purchase is nonetheless in the best interest of the District.

All payments for goods and services shall be presented to the Board of Education for approval prior to remittal except under the following circumstances: (a) the purchasing circumstances require immediate payment, (b) the district’s payment schedule presents an undue hardship for the vendor, (c) early payment avoids a late charge or results in a discount for the District, and (d) the Board of Education cancels or reschedules a regular board meeting. The preceding exceptions shall apply only when there are no known disputes regarding the claim for payment.

Date of Adoption
December 17, 2012
October 7, 2019

3315: Receiving Goods

3315: Receiving Goods holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:58

When goods are delivered to the Distribution Center, the receiving clerk is responsible for checking them for quantity and quality and will sign and forward the receipt copy to the business office. If goods are sent directly to a school, the principal has the same responsibility.

Date of Adoption
April 2, 2018

3410: Investing - General

3410: Investing - General holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:59

District funds not required for immediate obligations shall be invested in accordance with state law. Authorized investments shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: (1) the Nebraska Liquid Asset Fund, (2) collateralized bank certificates of deposit, (3) insured savings accounts and money marketaccounts, (4) government agency securities, and (5) U.S.treasuries.

Date of Adoption
November 6, 2006
Date of Revision
March 6, 2017
April 1, 2024

3416: Treasurer's Report

3416: Treasurer's Report holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:01

The Treasurer of the Board will submit a monthly financial report to the Board.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1979
Date of Revision
August 16, 2010
March 5, 2018

3419: Periodic Audit

3419: Periodic Audit holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:03

The Board of Education shall cause to be examined annually by a public accountant, or a certified public accountant, all financial records, which are maintained directly or indirectly in the administration or management of public school funds.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
August 16, 2010
March 5, 2018

3419.1: Periodic Audit

3419.1: Periodic Audit holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:05

The audit examination shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and shall include all funds over which the Board has direct or supervisory control.

The Board shall select an auditing firm experienced in municipal accounting and willing to perform the required services for the established fee.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
August 16, 2010
March 5, 2018

3425: Accounting Receipt of Funds

3425: Accounting Receipt of Funds holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:06

All cash, checks, or other funds received by the District (including funds received by and/or for student organizations) shall be deposited expeditiously into the appropriate bank accounts and recorded on the District’s financial records in a manner consistent with the requirements of federal law, state law and District rules and procedures.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
September 6, 2011
May 20, 2019

3425.1: Accounting - Receipt of Funds

3425.1: Accounting - Receipt of Funds holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:08

All cash, checks, or other funds received by the District (including funds received by and/or for student organizations) shall be deposited expeditiously into the appropriate bank accounts and recorded on the District’s financial records in a manner consistent with the requirements of federal law, state law, and District rules and procedures.

For all cash and checks received by a District employee or a student organization representatives:

1. When requested, a receipt shall be issued by such employee or representative to the party tendering the cash or check. When a receipt is not requested, the employee or representative shall be responsible for maintaining an accounting record of the receipt in a manner approved by the Superintendent or designee. (This section shall not apply to the sale of food, drink, or other such concession items where immediate possession of the product is given in-lieu of a receipt.)

2. Each building shall ensure that its procedures provide for a least two people independently counting such funds and documenting such count.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
September 6, 2011
May 20, 2019

3505: Operations & Maintenance Management - Direction & Supervision

3505: Operations & Maintenance Management - Direction & Supervision holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:10

The maintenance and operation of the District’s facilities shall be under the direction and supervision of the superintendent (designee).

The District may engage the services of private vendors to assist with such services. In such case, the private vendor shall report to and be supervised by the superintendent (designee). All District employees in the operations & maintenance departments shall be directed, supervised, and evaluated by the private vendor as provided for in the contract with such vendorand as determined by the superintendent (designee).

Date of Adoption
September 6, 2011
Date of Revision
January 6, 2020

3510: Buildings and Grounds / Security - Locks

3510: Buildings and Grounds / Security - Locks holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:12

The Superintendent (Designee) shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance, and operation of all electronic and manual lock systems controlling access to the District’s facilities.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
January 17, 2011
January 7, 2019

3517: Business Injury Prevention Program

3517: Business Injury Prevention Program holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:15

The District shall establish a Safety Committee as required by law.

Date of Adoption
September 23, 1996
Date of Revision
January 17, 2011
January 7, 2019

3517.1: Business Injury Prevention Program

3517.1: Business Injury Prevention Program holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:18

There shall be established a Safety Committee consisting of eight members:

a. four of whom shall be appointed by the Superintendent, or his or her designee; and,

b. one who shall be selected and appointed by the collective bargaining unitsrepresenting the certificated staff (teachers and nurses); and,

c. one who shall be selected and appointed by the collective bargaining unit representingthe custodial and maintenance staff; and,

d. one who shall be selected and appointed by the collective bargaining unit representing the educational paraprofessionals; and,

e. one who shall be selected and appointed by the Superintendent, or his or her designee to represent non-union employees including professional technical employees and food service.

The safety committee will operate within the guidelines established by the Nebraska Department of Labor for injury prevention programs. Each school principal shall be responsible for implementing the district safety program in his or her building. The Superintendent will assign an administrator the responsibility for implementing the district safety program in each of the district’s non-school buildings.

Date of Adoption
September 23, 1996
Date of Revision
January 17, 2011
January 7, 2019

3611: Construction / Planning - Determining Needs

3611: Construction / Planning - Determining Needs holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:20

The significance of providing school facilities that enhance the District’s educational program is recognized by the Board. To assure a comprehensive approach to projecting and planning needs, at least the following aspects of need will be considered:

A. Expansions or changes in educational programs in the district

B. Plant and site aesthetics and suitability for construction

C. Demographic characteristics

D. City/county master plan and zoning

E. Financial ability of СѼƵ district

F. Safety and welfare of pupils

G. Relationship (proximity, boundary conditions) between the projected new facilities and those already in existence

The Superintendent or designee is directed to establish such administrative arrangements, as he or she considers necessary to determine such needs.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
September 23, 2002
January 27, 2003
May 3, 2010
September 4, 2018

3612: Construction Planing - Forecasting Enrollments

3612: Construction Planing - Forecasting Enrollments holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:24

Methods for forecasting enrollment shall make use of the following:

  1. Prior enrollment history (three to five year trend)

  2. Pre-kindergarten census data and historical trend for kindergarten class

  3. Number of students on in-district transfers and number in option enrollment program

  4. Final plat number of lots available for development

  5. Expected ratio of students to number of lots

  6. Information from city and country planning regarding future development
Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
September 23, 2002
January 27, 2003
May 3, 2010
October 1, 2018

3613: Construction Planning - Master Facility Plan

3613: Construction Planning - Master Facility Plan holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:27

The District shall develop and maintain a Master Facility Plan which shall include Standard Facility Guidelines and Facility Depreciation Plans.

The Standard Facility Guidelines shall contain general guidelines for planning construction and/or renovation projects for elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools in the District.

The Facility Depreciation Plans shall contain general guidelines for the replacement of major depreciable items in the District's buildings and on its grounds. These items shall include roofs, parking lots, sidewalks, irrigation systems, tracks, HVAC systems, and other such depreciable items.

The District may employ the services of consultants or other professionals to assist with the development and maintenance of the information in the Master Facility Plan.

Date of Adoption
January 27, 2003
May 3, 2010
December 3, 2018

3614: Construction Planning - Special Projects

3614: Construction Planning - Special Projects holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:29

Every proposed project that impacts the facilities and/or grounds of the District shall receive written approval from the Superintendent (or designee) before such project commences.

Date of Adoption
August 6, 2007
May 3, 2010
October 1, 2018

3614.1: Construction Planning - Special Projects

3614.1: Construction Planning - Special Projects holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:32

I. All special projects shall require written approval by the Superintendent (or designee) prior to commencement of the project.

A. “Special projects” shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, projects that involve the following:

1. Building additions or renovations (including out-buildings)

2. Planting of trees, shrubs, flowers, or any other plants

3. Landscaping

4. Drilling, cutting, or otherwise penetrating the walls, ceilings, or floors of any facility.

5. Carpeting & painting

6. HVAC, electrical, & plumbing

7. Installation of marquees or other permanent exterior signs

8. Fencing

9. Irrigation systems

10. Sidewalks, driveways, parking lots or other concrete work

11. Playground equipment

12. Technology (including but not limited to data, voice, and video systems) that would be (or could be) connected to or impact the District’s data network

13. Any equipment or device that would become permanently affixed to any building or grounds (e.g., picnic tables, bike racks, benches, etc. that are anchored in concrete)

B. “Special projects” shall not include the following:

1. The taping of materials to walls (within the limitations provided by the fire code).

2. The tacking of materials to bulletin boards or other surfaces designed specifically for such use.

3. The moving of desks, chairs, file cabinet, or other stand alone furniture or equipment that is not fastened to or otherwise attached to the floors, walls, or ceilings of a facility.

4. The routine repairing and/or maintaining of existing facilities, grounds, and equipment by the District’s custodial, grounds, maintenance, and technology personnel.

5. The hanging of pictures, plaques, posters, etc. that are light-weight (i.e., not exceeding 10 lbs.). Such hangings shall not be in close proximity to electrical wiring; data, video, or voice cabling; HVAC control systems; or any other such installations that may be present in or on the walls.

C. All proposed special projects shall be reviewed in light of the following criteria:

1. The project must be clearly defined.

2. The project must be beneficial and desirable to the District.

3. The funding for the project must be clearly delineated and the funds must be committed and immediately available.

4. The project must contain materials and equipment that are appropriate for their intended use.

5. The project materials, equipment, and workmanship must meet the standards of the District for those areas for which standards have been established (e.g., color and quality of paint, width and depth of sidewalks, make and model of defibrillators, etc.).

6. The project shall not present unacceptable long-term operational, maintenance, licensing, or other expenses for the District.

7. The project must meet all building, fire, and safety codes; all ADA requirements; and all other requirements of local, state, and federal law.

8. The project must not interfere with the physical integrity of (or access to) existing utilities, cabling, irrigation systems, or other installations (either above or below the surface) or, in the alternative, must provide for the relocation of such installations.

9. The outside contractors (or others acting as such) for the project shall possess the appropriate skills and experience and, further, shall carry insurance coverage deemed appropriate by the District (with the District named as an additional insured).

10. Any other reasonable criteria deemed appropriate by the Superintendent (or designee).

II. The District may require that a project be designed by an architect and/or engineer. The architect and/or engineer shall be selected by (and be directed by) the District. The cost of such services shall be paid for by the District.

III. All applications for approval of special projects must be submitted by the building principal (or the highest ranking administrator at a site without a principal). If any student, parent, or community groups are directly involved in a special project, such group(s) shall work directly with and through the building principal. They shall not work with or through the District’s architects, engineers, or project managers. After a special project is approved, the building principal shall periodically update the Superintendent (or designee) on the progress of the fundraising activity for the special project, if any.

IV. No administrator shall approve (or acquiesce to) any special project being conducted in the facilities or on the grounds under his/her supervision unless such project has received prior written approval as noted hereinabove. Administrators and building principals shall not enter into any contracts for special projects. The Superintendent (or designee) shall have the sole authority to enter into such contracts. The Superintendent (or designee) shall also have the sole authority to approve any alterations or changes to the special project suggested by the contractor or by the District’s architects, engineers or project managers.

V. Any employee who has knowledge of the planning or commencement of an unapproved project in the facilities or on the grounds of the District shall immediately notify the Superintendent (or designee) or the administrator who has supervisory responsibility for such facilities or grounds.

Date of Adoption
August 6, 2007
Date of Revision
September 16, 2013
October 1, 2018
May 3, 2010

3621: Professional Services - Architects & Engineers

3621: Professional Services - Architects & Engineers holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 15:35

Except as provided by law, the District shall not engage in the construction of any public works involving architecture or engineering unless the plans, specifications, and estimates have been prepared and the construction has been observed by an architect, a professional engineer, or a person under the direct supervision of an architect or professional engineer except that this requirement shall not apply to any public work in which the contemplated expenditure for the complete project does not exceed the statutory limitations.

In conjunction with each bond issue for the construction of new facilities and/or the renovation of existing facilities, the District shall convene an ad hoc Architect Selection Committee. The Architect Selection Committee shall consist of at least four members recommended by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee and approved by the board of education. The committee shall be responsible for conducting a selection process and making recommendations to the board regarding the selection of architect(s) for the bond issue construction project(s).

The selection of architects for projects that are not related to a bond issue may be made by the administration from the list of architects previously engaged by the District to do construction and/or renovation projects. The administration may also select architects through a process approved by the superintendent (or designee) who have not been previously engaged by the District in the event the superintendent (or designee) determines that the characteristics of a specific project are sufficiently unique so that it is in the best interest of the District to select an architect with a particular area of expertise.

The professional services contracts for architects and engineers may be in the form of a standard AIA (American Institute of Architects) contract as it may be amended by the School District’s attorneys and shall set forth the services to be performed by the architect and/or engineer. Such contract shall provide for a reasonable retainage of fees until the project is closed out, all contractors and vendors have been paid, and all issues have been resolved.

Date of Adoption
February 17, 2003
Date of Revision
December 3, 2018
May 3, 2010

3622: Professional Services - School District Attorney

3622: Professional Services - School District Attorney holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 09:47

The services of СѼƵ district attorney may be accessed by the superintendent (or designee) for matters pertaining to site acquisition, easements, dedications, contracts, contract payments, liens or claims, and such other matters as may arise.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
November 3, 2003
December 3, 2018
May 3, 2010

3622.1: Professional Services - School District Attorney

3622.1: Professional Services - School District Attorney holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 09:50

I. The schooldistrict’sattorney shall review:

A. land purchase contracts

B. construction contracts

C. easements and/or permits for utilities

D. title and deeds for dedicated sites

E. the need for new legislation relative to special land use

II. The schooldistrict’sattorney shall prepare:

A. titles and deeds

B. settlement documents for land transfer

C. condemnation documents for site and easement acquisition

D. liens and claims

E. deeds of dedication for rights-of-way

F. resolutions for board approval involving easements, rights-of-way, and land sales

III. The schooldistrict’sattorney shall provide legal representation during condemnation proceedings, suits involving construction contracts and payments.

IV. The school district’sattorney shall coordinate settlement and condemnation payments for land and easement acquisition.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
November 3, 2003
December 3, 2018
May 3, 2010

3623: Professional Services - Project Manager

3623: Professional Services - Project Manager holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:00

The District may employ the services of a project manager to supervise construction and/or renovation projects when such services would be in the best interest of the District. Such project manager shall represent the interests of the District exclusively and shall have no financial business or other relationships with architects, engineers, contractors, manufacturers or suppliers that could create a conflict of interest with the District on such projects.

Date of Adoption
November 17, 2003
May 3, 2010
October 1, 2018

3631: Construction Site - Acquisition

3631: Construction Site - Acquisition holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:17

Real property acquisition for school purposes shall proceed in the following manner:

I. The proposed property shall be evaluated by an architect or engineer to determine whether or not such property is suitable for its intended purpose.

II. The property shall be appraised by a certified real estate appraiser.

III. Acquisition of the property shall be made by purchase or eminent domain proceedings pursuant to law.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
November 17, 2003
May 3, 2010
September 4, 2018

3632: Construction Site - Landscaping

3632: Construction Site - Landscaping holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:21

To the extent permitted by site topography and site improvements and where economically feasible, all desirable trees, shrubs, and vegetation shall be preserved.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
November 17, 2003
May 3, 2010
September 4, 2018

3641: Construction Procedures - Delivery System

3641: Construction Procedures - Delivery System holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:24

The District shall bid every project for the construction, remodeling, or repair of any school-owned building or for site improvements when the contemplated expenditures for such project exceed the statutory limitations.

The District, in lieu of the traditional Design-Bid-Build delivery system, may also use the Construction Manager at Risk project delivery system pursuant to the Political Subdivisions
Construction Alternatives Act for those projects that the District finds and determines to be in thebest interests of the District for select projects.

Prior to construction or renovation of buildings and sites the District shall make a determination of the delivery system by which it will obtain construction services. The District may elect to use the Construction Management at Risk delivery system as well as the traditional Design-Bid-Build
delivery system.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check in the amount of five percent (5%) of such bid.

The bidding procedures shall comply with the requirements of state law.

Date of Adoption
December 15, 2003
Date of Revision
November 5, 2018
April 20, 2020
May 3, 2010

3641.1: Construction – Construction Management at Risk

3641.1: Construction – Construction Management at Risk jmcarson1 Fri, 04/24/2020 - 10:01

This applies to those construction projects that the District determines to use the construction management at risk (CMR) construction delivery process.

Construction management at risk contract means a contract by which a construction manager (a) assumes the legal responsibility to deliver a construction project within a contracted price to the District; (b) acts as a construction consultant to the District during the design development phase of the project when the District’s architect or engineer designs the project; and (c) is the builder during the construction phase of the project.

The District shall follow all requirements in the selection of a CMR, including, but not limited to, those set forth in this Rule and as provided by law.

The District shall comply with all required filings with the Nebraska Department of Education related to CMR processes.

The Superintendent or designee shall promulgate CMR regulations detailing the following procedures.

Following the acquisition of professional architectural or engineering services as required for the select project, the District shall publish a request for letters of interest which shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the District at least thirty days prior to the deadline for receiving letters of interest and send such request for letters of interest by first-class mail to any prospective construction manager upon request.

Letters of interest shall be reviewed by the District in consultation with the architect/engineer. The District shall select at least three prospective construction managers, except that if only two prospective construction managers have submitted letters of interest, the District shall select at least two prospective construction managers. The selected prospective construction managers shall then be considered pre-qualified and eligible to receive requests for proposals.

After selecting pre-qualified construction managers, the District shall prepare a request for proposals for each CMR contract at least thirty days prior to the deadline for receiving and opening proposals. Notice of the request for proposals shall be published and filed as required by law. The request for proposals shall be sent only to the construction managers selected under the pre-qualification procedures of this policy. The request for proposals shall contain all elements required by law.

Proposals shall be sealed and shall not be opened until expiration of the time established for making proposals as set forth in the request for proposals. Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to acceptance. The District shall have the right to reject any and all proposals except for the purpose of evading the provisions and policies of the Nebraska Schools Construction Alternatives Act.

The District shall evaluate and rank each proposal on the basis of best meeting the criteria in the request for proposals and taking into consideration the recommendation of the selection committee. The selection committee shall be a group of at least five persons designated by the Districtand shall include, at a minimum, the following:
1. A memberof the Board;
2. A memberof СѼƵ administration or staff;
3. The school’s architect or engineer;
4. Any person chosen by the Districtfor providing expertise relevant to selection of a construction manager under the Nebraska Schools Construction Alternatives Act; and
5. A resident of the District not included in the four preceding subsections.

A member of the selection committee designated under subdivision (4) or (5) of this subsection shall not be employed by, or have a financial or other interest in, a construction manager who has a proposal being evaluated and shall not be employed by the District or the District’s architect/engineer.

The selection committee shall evaluate proposals, taking into consideration the criteria enumerated with the maximum percentage of total points for evaluation which may be assigned to each as required by law.

The selection committee shall keep and maintain minutes and permanent records of the committee proceedings.

In the event of a dispute, an interested party may submit a written protest to the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee. The protest shall be submitted on company letterhead. Protests based on alleged improprieties in a solicitation or other request for proposals must be filed at least five (5) days before the closing date for the receipt of proposals. In all other cases, the protest must be filed within five (5) working days following the selection of the CMR. To expedite the handling of protests, the envelope containing the protest should be clearly labeled “Protest.” The written protest shall include at a minimum the following:

1. The name and address of the interested party;
2. An appropriate identification of the relevant solicitation;
3. A statement of the reasons for the protest; and
4. Supporting evidence or documents to substantiate any claims.

The Superintendent or designee shall decide whether or not the award of the contract shall be delayed or whether the performance of the contract should be suspended while evaluating the protest of an interested party. The Superintendent or designee shall issue a decision to any protestwithin ten (10) working days. The decision of the Superintendent or his designee shall be final.

The District shall attempt to negotiate a construction management at risk contract with the highest ranked construction manager and may enter into a construction management at risk contract after negotiations. If the District is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the highest ranked construction manager, the District may terminate negotiations with that construction manager and undertake negotiations with the next highest ranked construction manager and may enter into a construction management at risk contract after negotiations.

A construction management at risk contract may be conditioned upon later refinements in scope and price and may permit the District, in agreement with the construction manager, to make changes in the project without invalidating the contract.

Date of Adoption
April 20, 2020
Date of Revision
October 5, 2020

3642: Construction Procedures - Contracts

3642: Construction Procedures - Contracts holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:28

The District shall use the appropriate standard contract forms published by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for its construction projects. Such forms may be amended in whole or in part upon recommendation of legal counsel.

Such contracts shall provide: (1) that the contractor provide a certificate of insurance with coverage determined appropriate by the District, (2) that no tobacco products or e-cigarette type products may be used in District facilities or on grounds owned, leased, or operated by the District, and (3) that all workers will wear District-provided security badges as directed by the District.

Prior to the District issuing security badges to employees of contractors and any subcontractors who will be doing work at District facilities or on grounds owned, leased or operated by the District, such employees must receive security clearance, which includes passing a criminal background check conducted by a District-approved background check company. The contractor and/or subcontractor shall be responsible for compliance, which shall include submitting the names of employees to the background check company at least two weeks in advance of the anticipated start date of any work or project at a District facility or on grounds owned, leased or operated by the District, the payment of all costs for conducting the background check and permitting only those employees who receive proper security clearance to work at District facilities.

Date of Adoption
October 18, 2004
Date of Revision
October 21, 2013
April 21, 2014
October 18, 2004
February 3, 2020

3642.1: Background Check Procedures - Contracts

3642.1: Background Check Procedures - Contracts holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:32

I. All employees of contractors and/or subcontractors must receive proper security clearance prior to working at a District facility and to receive a District-issued security badge.

II. At least two weeks prior to the anticipated start date of any work at a District facility or on grounds owned, leased or operated by the District, all contractors and subcontractors shall submit the names of all employees who will be working on the project to a District-approved background check company in order to receive proper security clearance for a District security badge. The District may, but is not required to, excuse the employees of any contractor or subcontractor from a criminal background check, if an employee has previously received security clearance to work at District facilities during a two-year period prior to the anticipated start date of the project. Any employee who does not pass the District’s security requirements shall not receive a security badge and shall not be permitted to work at a District facility or on grounds owned, leased or operated by the District.

III. To receive proper security clearance and be issued a District security badge, the criminal background check must show that the employee of a contractor or subcontractor has:

1. No felony convictions (where the court’s jurisdiction is continuing or ended less than seven years ago) for a crime involving weapons, drugs, violence, theft, robbery, burglary, terroristic threats, or sexual offenses;

2. No felony charges pending court adjudication or disposition for a crime involving weapons, drugs, violence, theft, robbery, burglary, terroristic threats, or sexual offenses;

3. No misdemeanor convictions (where court jurisdiction is continuing or ended less than five years ago) for a crime involving weapons, drugs, violence, theft, robbery, burglary, terroristic threats, or sexual offenses;

4. No misdemeanor charges pending court adjudication or disposition for a crime involving weapons, drugs, violence, theft, robbery, burglary, terroristic threats, or sexual offenses.

IV. Once the criminal background check is completed, the contractor and/or subcontractor is responsible for providing a list of employees who have passed the criminal background check to the District prior to the District issuing a Notice to Proceed with the project or prior to the District approving the commencement of any work at a District facility or on District property.

V. After the commencement of the work or project at a District facility or on District property, all contractors and subcontractors shall self-report to the District and the District-approved background check company any subsequent criminal arrests and convictions, or any unknown prior criminal arrests or convictions that were not known prior commencement of the work or project, for any offense described in this rule, of an employee working at a District facility or on District property. Such obligation to self-report any subsequent criminal arrests or convictions is to ensure the safety and security of the Districts students, visitors, employees, property and equipment and such obligation shall continue throughout the term of the contractor’s and/or subcontractor’s contract.

VI. The employees of a contractor and/or subcontractor shall comply with all District rules and policies. The District reserves the right to revoke a security badge and to remove any employee of a contractor or subcontractor from school property if an employee is not wearing the security badge, has violated any District policy or rule, is being disruptive to the educational environment, or is deemed to be a threat to the safety of the students or District employees in the District’s sole discretion.

VII. The District reserves the right to terminate the contract of any contractor or subcontractor if the contractors’ or subcontractors’ employees fail to wear security badges, are consistently disruptive while working on District property, or if such vendor or contractor refuses to abide by the District’s directive to remove an employee from school property.

Date of Adoption
October 21, 2013
February 3, 2020

3643: Procedures - Naming Facilities

3643: Procedures - Naming Facilities holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:35

Responsibility for naming all schools and portions of existing facilities, indoor and outdoor, rests with the СѼƵ Board of Education.

Date of Adoption
September 17, 1979
Date of Revision
July 26, 1999
March 15, 2004
May 3, 2010
October 1, 2018

3643.1: Procedures - Naming Facilities

3643.1: Procedures - Naming Facilities holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:45

A committee of the Board, appointed by the Board President, will consider all suggestions offered and will make a recommendation to the Board of Education.The chairperson of the committee shall be appointed by the Board President. The chairperson shall determine the timelines, schedules and name collection procedures for completing the committee’s assignment.The committee may solicit names from the community or from members on the committee. In considering names for the facility, the committee shall consider individuals, living or deceased, who have contributed to education, the community, the District, the city, the state, or the country. Consideration may also be given to geography, location of subdivision, former owners of the property on which the building is situated, or major financial contributors to a particular project or the District.

Buildings that may be named include new school buildings, existing school buildings or facilities that have not been named after an individual; outdoor facilities, including stadiums and facilities within the building such as a media center, gymnasium, or auditorium.Facilities that currently exist and are named after an individual will not be rededicated or renamed unless the facility is relocated to a new site or a different purpose is designed for an existing facility.Facilities that have been dedicated and named for locations, geography, subdivisions, former owners of the property on which the building is situated, may be renamed and rededicated by action of the Board.Facilities within existing buildings that are not currently named or dedicated may be named in accordance with this policy.

Date of Adoption
July 26, 1999
Date of Revision
March 15, 2004
September 19, 2016
May 3, 2010
October 1, 2018

3644: Procedures - Dedication Plaques

3644: Procedures - Dedication Plaques holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:58

All major building projects will be identified by a suitable plaque(s) identifying the project, year completed, the names of the board members, superintendent, architectural firm, project manager, general, mechanical and electrical contractors.

Date of Adoption
November 21, 1977
Date of Revision
July 26, 1999
March 15, 2004
May 3, 2010
September 17, 2018

3644.1: Procedures - Dedication Plaques

3644.1: Procedures - Dedication Plaques holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:02

Officers of the Board of Education at the time the contract is awarded will be listed, followed by other board members. Members who join the Board during construction of the building will be included on the list.

Date of Adoption
November 7, 1977
Date of Revision
July 26, 1999
March 15, 2004
May 3, 2010
September 17, 2018

3645: Procedures - Change Orders

3645: Procedures - Change Orders holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:05

When board-approved plans and specifications of contracts for construction, remodeling, or renovation of district facilities are amended by change order, the change order shall be issued in accordance with the contracts to which the District is a party and shall be in accordance with the rules, regulations, and standards established by the Board of Education.

The rules, regulations, and standards shall provide the Board of Education with timely knowledge of the change orders and ensure that any expenditure of district funds will be pursuant to Board of Education approval.

Date of Adoption
May 18, 1998
Date of Revision
October 18, 2004
May 3, 2010
September 17, 2018

3645.1: Procedures - Change Orders

3645.1: Procedures - Change Orders holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:08

The following procedures shall be followed with respect to the administration of board-approved construction, renovation, and remodeling of capital improvements of the District (hereinafter referred to as "construction").

I. Definitions

For purposes of this Rule, the following definitions shall apply:

A. "Superintendent's Construction Review Committee" shall mean a committee established by the superintendent to receive construction reports and other communications from the owner's representative(s) and to make decisions under the provisions of this Rule on construction related matters.

B. "Time is of the Essence" shall mean that time is a material condition in a construction contract and delay in the performance of the contract could disrupt the orderly progress of the construction, affect the operations of the District, or affect the cost of construction.

C. "Owner's Representative(s)" shall mean the construction manager(s), architect(s), engineer(s), or consultant(s) employed by the district to assist with the construction.

II. Incorporation of Rule Into Contracts and Agreements

All contracts or agreements between the District and the construction manager(s), architect(s), engineer(s), or consultant(s) shall incorporate this Rule.

III. Change Orders Changing Cost of Construction $10,000 or Less

A. Change Orders either increasing or decreasing the contract amount by $10,000 or less may be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee upon the recommendation of the owner's representative(s) having the duty and responsibility to make the recommendation to the District.

B. The Change Order shall not require prior approval of the Board of Education but shall be reported to the Board of Education at one of its regularly scheduled meetings or special meetings within ninety days of such approval.

IV. Change Orders Increasing or Decreasing the Cost of Construction in an Amount Exceeding $10,000:

A. Where Time Is of the Essence: Where time is of the essence, proposed Change Orders may be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee without prior presentation to the Board of Education if:

1. The owner's representative(s) with the responsibility of submitting recommendations for Change Orders to the District determines that time is of the essence and that the decision on the Change Order cannot reasonably be delayed for submission to and consideration by the Board of Education, and submits its determination in writing to the Superintendent, and

2. The Superintendent or his/her designee determines that time is of the essence and that a decision in the Change Order cannot reasonably be delayed for submission to and consideration by the Board of Education prior to the approval of the Change Order, and

3. Both the owner's representative(s) and the Superintendent or his/her designee agree that the Change Order is reasonable and necessary, and

4. In the event the superintendent or his/her designee, in consultation with the Superintendent's Construction Review Committee and the owner's representative(s) are of the opinion that the proposed cost, scope, or effect of the Change Order is not reasonable or beneficial to the district, the contractor may be directed to proceed with the change proposed subject to a determination of cost at a later date.

Change Orders under this subparagraph shall be reported to the Board of Education at one of its regularly scheduled or special meetings within ninety days of the approval of the Change Order by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

B. Where Time is Not of the Essence:

Change Orders where time is not of the essence shall be submitted to the Board of Education for consideration, approval, or rejection at a regularly scheduled or special meeting of the Board of Education in such form as the Board my require.

V. Material Changes:

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Rule, no Change Order may be approved which materially changes the scope of a construction project without prior approval of the Board of Education.

VI. Execution of Documents:

Change Order documents may be executed by the Superintendent or his/her designee, and, the Chief Financial Officer is designated to so act on behalf of the Superintendent.

Date of Adoption
May 18, 1998
Date of Revision
October 18, 2004
September 17, 2018
May 3, 2010

3646: Construction Procedures - Closing

3646: Construction Procedures - Closing holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:11

The administration shall report to the board of education when a board-approved project reaches "substantial completion." Thereafter, the project may be closed out and final payments made to contractors when the following conditions are met:

  1. Each contractor has satisfactorily addressed all "punch list" items remaining at the time of substantial completion.
  2. Each contractor has provided satisfactory "as built" drawings to the District or its architect.
  3. Each contractor has provided warranty certificates, operations and maintenance manuals and all other required documents related to the project.
  4. Each contractor has provided the required training to district personnel and has met all other requirements for the project.

Upon closing, all documents and other information related to the project shall be organized, maintained, and preserved in the District's construction records

Date of Adoption
October 18, 2004
May 3, 2010
November 5, 2018

3711: Food Services - Program USDA/NDE

3711: Food Services - Program USDA/NDE holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:13

The District shall participate in and comply with all requirements of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE).

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
April 15, 2005
October 15, 2012
September 3, 2019

3712: Food Services - Management

3712: Food Services - Management holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:15

The District may engage the services of a food service management company to assist with the management of its food service program. The procedures for the selection of such food service management company shall comply with the requirements of the National Breakfast and School Lunch Program.

Date of Adoption
August 15, 2005
October 15, 2012
September 3, 2019

3713: Food Services - Committee

3713: Food Services - Committee holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:18

The District shall establish a Nutrition & Wellness Committee which shall be composed of students, parents, teachers, food service personnel, and others as determined by the administration. Such committee shall meet at least twice per year and make recommendations to the administration with regard to the District's programs related to nutrition and wellness.

The committee shall be composed of the following members:
I. The chief financial officer
II.A minimum of five parents selected by the superintendent or designee
III. A minimum of three student representatives selected by the superintendent or designee
IV. The curriculum facilitator for K-12 physical education
V. The curriculum facilitator for K-5 health education
VI. The curriculum facilitator for 6-12 health education
VII. The general manager for K-12 food service
VIII. Four building principals selected by the superintendent or designee
IX. The executive director or designee of the СѼƵ Foundation

The chief financial officer shall serve as the chair of the committee.

Date of Adoption
August 15, 2005
Date of Revision
March 17, 2008
November 4, 2019
October 15, 2012

3713.1: Program - Committee

3713.1: Program - Committee holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:20

Pursuant to the requirements of the National School Lunch Program, the following rules, guidelines, and requirements are adopted for the administration of the District’s wellness policy and for the operation of the District’s Nutrition & Wellness Committee:

1.0 Participation

1.1 In addition to representation on the District’s Nutrition & Wellness Committee as provided in Policy 3713, parents, staff, students, and others in the general public shall be provided an opportunity to participate in the development, implementation, review, and update of the local wellness policy as follows:

1.1.1 The District’s website shall provide a link to an electronic means for individuals to share their thoughts, opinions, information, and suggestions with regard to the development, implementation, review, and update of the District’s wellness policy.

1.1.2 The committee(s) established by the District to review and revise its curricula related to health and physical education shall share the information such committee(s) received during their review processes with the District’s Nutrition & Wellness Committee.

2.0 Leadership

2.1 At the building level, the building principal shall have the authority and responsibility to ensure that his/her building is in compliance with the District’s wellness policies, rules, and procedures.

2.2 At the District level, the superintendent or designeeshall have the authority and responsibility for ensuring compliance with the District’s wellness policies, rules, and procedures.

3.0 Communications

3.1 All required communications related to the District’s wellness policy shall be conducted via the District’s website or some other reasonable avenue of communication approved by the superintendent or designee.

3.2 The District may, at its discretion, also communicate optional information related to nutritional and wellness via its website or some other reasonable avenue of communication approved by the superintendent or designee.

4.0 Specific Goals

4.1 Sleep: Students will synthesize the benefits of sleep by incorporating these behaviors in order to ensure a healthy sleep routine. Progress will be monitored in a designated middle school course.

4.2 Exercise: Students will synthesize the benefits of vigorous exercise by incorporating these behaviors into their lifestyle. Progress will be measured in a designated middle school course.

4.3 Nutrition: Students will synthesize the benefits of healthy, balanced eating habits by adopting healthy food choices. Progress will be measured in a designated middle school course.

4.4 Stress: Students will synthesize the impact of stress by participating in ways that will enhance behaviors and eliminate and/or reduce health risks. Progress will be measured in a designated middle school course.

5.0 Nutrition Guidelines

5.1 The nutrient content of all foods and beverages served in the District’s breakfasts, lunches, and a la carteshall be consistent with the nutritional standards for such programs.

5.2 The nutrient content of all other foods and beverages sold to students during СѼƵ day shall also be consistent with such standards. Pursuant to federal regulations, the term “School Day” shall include the time from midnight and until thirty- minutes after classes have been dismissed for the day.

6.0 Outside Food & Beverages

6.1 Outside foods and beverages (e.g., foods and beverages brought into СѼƵs by parents or others for birthday parties, classroom snacks, incentive programs, etc.) shall meet the following provisions:

6.1.1 Distribution of outside foods and beverages must receive prior approval from the building principal. Except as specifically approved by the building principal, such foods and beverages must be commercially purchased and packaged and shall not be distributed beyond the expiration date noted on the package.

6.1.2 The building principal shall have the authority to prohibit distribution of any and/or all outside foods and beverages in his/her building.

7.0 Marketing/Advertising

7.1 Marketing and advertising for foods and beverages during СѼƵ day shall be limited to those items that meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.

8.0 Evaluation

8.1 The District shall assess its wellness policies, rules, and procedures at least once every three years to determine:

8.1.1 The extent to which buildings are in compliance with the district’s policies, rules, and procedures.

8.1.2 The extent to which the District’s policies, rules, and procedures compare to model policy, rules, and procedures.

8.1.3 The progress made by students in attaining the goals noted hereinabove.

8.2 The District shall make its assessment results available to the public via its website or via some other reasonable means of communication.

Date of Adoption
June 5, 2006
Date of Revision
November 5, 2012
June 5, 2017
November 4, 2019

3714: Program - Offerings

3714: Program - Offerings holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:23

The District shall offer food services to the students in all of its elementary, middle, and high school buildings (unless exempted by rules promulgated under this policy). Food service offerings shall be Food - based and shall minimize or eliminate the availability of foods of minimal nutritional value (as defined by the USDA’s National School Lunch and Breakfast Program).

Date of Adoption
August 15, 2005
Date of Revision
March 19, 2013
May 6, 2019

3714.1: Program - Offerings

3714.1: Program - Offerings holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:24

I. The following definitions shall apply to this Rule:

A. “A la carte” shall mean individually priced food items (i.e., protein, fruits, vegetables, grains, and milk). Multiple a la carte items purchased at the same time may constitute aqualified meal if the combination of multiple items meets the United States Departmentof Agriculture (USDA) requisites.

B. “Competitive foods” shall mean edible products and/or beverages sold or distributed in oron school owned property when such products and/or beverages are not a part of theDistrict’s food service program.

C. “Foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV)” shall mean soda water, water ices, chewing gum, and certain candies (e.g., hard candy, jellies and gums, marshmallow candies,fondant, licorice, spun candy, and candy coated popcorn) as defined by the USDA.

D. “Qualified meal” shall mean a meal which meets the requisites for a reimbursable meal under the USDA’s National School Lunch and Breakfast Program.

E. “Snacks” shall mean food or beverage items that are not a component (i.e., protein, fruit, vegetable, grain, or milk) of a qualified meal.

II. General Provisions

A. All students in the District shall have access each school day to both breakfast and lunchprograms.

B. A la carte and snack items may be offered to students under the following restrictions:

1. Elementary Schools: With the exception of milk, a la carte and snack items may bepurchased only after the student has first purchased a qualified meal.

2. Middle Schools: With the exception of milk, a la carte and snack items may bepurchased only after the student has first purchased a qualified meal while school is insession. When school is not in session students may purchase a la carte items withouta qualified meal purchase.

3. High Schools: Students shall not be required to purchase a qualified meal prior topurchasing a la carte and snack items.

C.The procedures of the District’s food service program shall provide multiple ways for students to select their meal items to create a meal package that constitutes a qualifiedmeal.

D. Classroom snacks may, if approved by the building principal, be given to students at any time during СѼƵ day other than 30 minutes before and after those times when qualified breakfasts or lunches are being served. Birthday parties, holiday events, and all other activities held during СѼƵ day shall be subject to this provision.

E. In elementary schools, deep-frying shall not be used as a method of on-site preparation of food. Flash-fried foods from the manufacturer may be served if such foods are heatedon-site by a means other than deep-frying.

F. Restrictions on FMNV

1.No foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) shall be sold or served to students the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day.

2. The restriction on selling or serving FMNV shall not apply to the following:

a. Foods or beverages sold or served as part of a limited fundraising activity or other school-related activity approved by the building principal. Such items may be sold during school days other than 30 minutes prior, during, and 30 minutes after those times when qualified breakfasts or lunches are being served. “Limited fundraising” shall be defined by FNS NDE.

b. Foods or beverages dispensed by a nurse to students during the course of providing healthcare to the student.

c. Foods or beverages dispensed to a special needs student pursuant to the student’s individual education plan (IEP).

d. Foods or beverages served to students as part of the curriculum (e.g., cultural heritage presentation).

e. Foods or beverages on field trips or other activities held off school grounds.

f. Foods or beverages which are brought to school by a student for the purpose of the student’s personal consumption.

III. Nutritional Standards

A. Food items shall meet all requirements set by the USDA for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs: Nutritional Standards For All Foods Sold in schools, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

B. All items sold that are defined as “competitive foods”, must meet all guidelines provided by Food and Nutritional Services, USDA, 7 CFR, Parts 210 and 220.

IV. Serving Portions

Serving portions shall meet all requirements set by the USDA for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs: Nutritional Standards For All Foods Sold in schools, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

Date of Adoption
August 15, 2005
Date of Revision
August 17, 2009
March 19, 2013
May 6, 2019

3715: Program - Finances

3715: Program - Finances holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:29

The prices established for the sale food and beverages in the food service program shall be such that the revenues received shall at least offset the direct expenditures of the program.

Date of Adoption
August 15, 2005
October 15, 2012
September 16, 2019

3716: Program - Credit Card Payments

3716: Program - Credit Card Payments holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:31

The District’s food service program shall provide a means for students/parents to make credit card payments into a student’s food service account.

Date of Adoption
August 1, 2005
Date of Revision
November 5, 2012
January 6, 2020

3717: Program - Reports

3717: Program - Reports holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:33

At least annually, a report shall be filed with the board of education regarding the operations of the food service program. Such report shall include, among other things, information on the following: (1) program finances, (2) student participation, and (3) recommendations, if any, from the District's Nutrition and Wellness Committee.

Date of Adoption
August 15, 2005
October 15, 2012
September 16, 2019

3718: Program - Beverages

3718: Program - Beverages holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:34

All beverages sold in СѼƵ buildings in the District shall comply with the beverage policy stated in the nutrition standards for all foods sold in school required by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act.

Date of Adoption
July 9, 2007
Date of Revision
September 18, 2017

3718.1: Program - Beverages

3718.1: Program - Beverages holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:35

I. The following beverage offerings comply with the beverage policy stated in the nutrition standards for all foods sold in school required by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act and may be sold in the District’s schools:

A. Elementary Schools

1. Water- Plain, with or without carbonation; any size

2. ≤8 oz. servings of milk and 100% juice

a. Skim, flavored skim, 1% unflavored and nutritionally equivalent (per USDA) milk alternatives
b. 100% fruit or vegetable juice, with or without carbonation
c. 100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water, with or without carbonation and no added sweeteners

B. Middle Schools

1. Water- Plain, with or without carbonation; any size

2. ≤12 oz. servings of milk and 100% juice

a. Skim, flavored skim, 1% unflavored and nutritionally equivalent (per USDA) milk alternatives
b. 100% fruit or vegetable juice with or without carbonation 100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water, with or without carbonation and no added sweeteners

C. High Schools

1. Water- Plain, with or without carbonation; any size

2. No calorie and low calorie beverages with or without caffeine and/or carbonation; calorie free, flavored water

a. ≤ 12 fl oz. “lower calorie” maximum 40 cal/8 fl oz. Maximum 60 cal/12 fl oz.
b. ≤ 20 fl oz. “no calorie” less than 5 cal/8 fl oz…Maximum 10 cal/20 fl oz.

3. ≤12 oz. servings of milk and 100 juice

a. Skim, flavored sim 1% unflavored and nutritionally equivalent (per USDA) milk alternatives
b. 100% fruit or vegetable juice with or without carbonation and
c. 100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water, with or without carbonation and no added sweeteners

II. The above requirements apply to beverages sold on school grounds during the regular day as defined by the USDA.

Date of Adoption
July 9, 2007
Date of Revision
September 18, 2017

3719: Procedure for Student Lunch/Meal Accounts

3719: Procedure for Student Lunch/Meal Accounts holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:38

In accordance with the National School Lunch Program, the District shall adhere to the following meal charge procedures:

1. The District shall provide all students with a reimbursable meals without restriction. A reimbursable meal is defined as a meal consisting of the current day’s offerings and qualifying as a reimbursable meal pursuant to the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act.

2. All cafeteria purchases are to be prepaid by all full pay and reduced meal benefit students before meal services begin in accordance with processes adopted by the District’s food service department.

3. A reimbursable meal, if requested by the student, will not be denied regardless of any request by the parent/guardian. Parents/guardians are responsible for payment of reimbursable meals requested by a student.

4. A full pay or reduced meal benefit student who has not prepaid for a meal will not be denied a reimbursable meal at lunch or breakfast consisting of the current day’s offering, provided that the student will not be permitted to buy or charge “a la carte” items in addition to the standard reimbursable meal.

5. The food service staff shall coordinate communications with parent(s)/guardian(s) to resolve the matter of unpaid charges. In the event that a student has an outstanding negative balance of $30 or more in his/her lunch/meal account, the District may take reasonable actions to collect unpaid funds including through collection agencies, small claims court, or any other legal method deemed necessary by the District.

Date of Adoption
July 10, 2017

3811: Transportation - Students - Regular Education

3811: Transportation - Students - Regular Education holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:41

The District shall provide student transportation services as required by law and may, at its discretion, provide additional student transportation services that are not required by law. The District may charge for such additional transportation services.

Private vendors may be contracted to provide all or a portion of the District’s student transportation services.

All transportation services provided under this policy shall comply with state and federal law.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
August 1, 2016
October 2, 2017

3811.1: Transportation - Students - Regular Education

3811.1: Transportation - Students - Regular Education holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:44

I. The District shall provide the following student transportation services to students at the elementary school level:

A. Any elementary students who live more than two miles from their assigned schools shall be provided free transportation services to such schools.

B. The Board of Education may, in its sole discretion, approve additional free transportation services for students who reside within two miles of their assigned school, however, there shall be no bus stops located within a one-mile radius of the main entrance of such elementary school. Students residing within such one-mile radius may, if they so choose, walk to a regularly scheduled bus stop (beyond one mile) to board and ride such bus.

C. The location and spacing of bus stops (consistent with the foregoing) shall be determined by the superintendent (or designee).

D. In areas where there is no District-provided transportation service, parents may, at their expense, seek to contract for such services directly with the District’s contracted transportation service provider (or any other transportation provider).

II. The District shall provide the following student transportation services to students at the middle school level:

A. The District shall arrange transportation services for all middle school students who live more than two miles from their assigned schools. There shall be a charge for such transportation. The charge for such services shall be determined annually by the District. The charge may (but need not be) sufficient to recover the full cost for such services.

B. No transportation services shall be arranged by the District for students living within two miles of their assigned schools, however, the parents of such student may, at their expense, seek to contract for such services with the District’s contracted transportation service provider (or any other transportation provider).

C. Any middle school student who lives in a subdivision that was reassigned to another middle school further from the subdivision than its original school shall be provided transportation services to his/her assigned school provided that such services were approved by the Board of Education at the time of such reassignment

III. The District shall provide the following student transportation services to students at the high school level:

A. The District shall provide transportation services free of charge to any student who lives more than four miles from his/her assigned school. However, the District may, at its sole discretion, elect to provide mileage reimbursement to any or all such qualifying students in lieu of transportation. The mileage reimbursement rate for such shall be as prescribed by state law.

B. No transportation services shall be provided by the District for students living within four miles of their assigned high schools, however, the parents of such students may, at their expense, seek to contract for such services with the District’s contracted transportation service provider (or any other transportation provider).

IV. Unless otherwise required by law, the District shall not provide transportation services to in-District transfer students (i.e., those students who, at their request, are permitted to attend a school other than СѼƵ to which they would have been assigned based upon the location of their residence).

V. Parents who use private transportation service providers to transport their students to or from school, assume all risks and are responsible for all safety precautions associated therewith, including but not limited to instructing their students on safety and safety precautions. The District and school staff do not screen, select or approve such private transportation service providers, do not request identification from the drivers, and do not supervise the drivers or the pickups, the drop offs, or the transportation.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
Date of Revision
May 2, 2011
May 1, 2023
October 2, 2017

3812: Transportation - Students - Special Education

3812: Transportation - Students - Special Education holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:47

The District shall provide transportation services to special education students who qualify for such services under state and/or federal law.

The District shall also provide transportation services to special education students who are required to attend a program in a school other than СѼƵ to which they would have been assigned based upon the location of their residence.

All transportation services provided under this policy shall comply with state and federal law.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
February 20, 2017
August 19, 2024

3813: Transportation - Students - Homeless

3813: Transportation - Students - Homeless holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:49

The District shall provide transportation services to homeless students who qualify for such services under state and/or federal law.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
March 21, 2016
September 25, 2023

3814: Transportation - Students - ELL

3814: Transportation - Students - ELL holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:51

The District shall provide transportation services to students enrolled in the English Language Learner (ELL) program if such students are assigned to a program that is in a school other than СѼƵ to which they would be assigned based upon the location of their residence i.e., “neighborhood school”.

The transportation for such students shall be from their neighborhood schools to their assigned schools unless compelling reasons exist for the administration to arrange otherwise. Such determination shall be made by and at the sole discretion of the Superintendent (or designee).

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
Date of Revision
November 5, 2018

3815: Transportation - Students - Private Vehicles

3815: Transportation - Students - Private Vehicles holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:52

Any person using his/her vehicle to transport students for school-related activities shall carry insurance coverage on such vehicle in an amount equal to or greater than the minimum required by Nebraska law.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
March 21, 2016
September 25, 2023

3816: Transportation - Students - Bus Stops

3816: Transportation - Students - Bus Stops holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:54

Students who utilize district transportation services shall be picked up and discharged only at locations designated by the District. Transportation vehicles shall not wait for tardy students beyond the scheduled pickup times for such designated locations.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
March 21, 2016
October 9, 2023

3817: Transportation - Students - Discipline

3817: Transportation - Students - Discipline holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:55

The student code of conduct shall extend to the District’s transportation services. Any disruptive behavior on school buses or vans shall be referred to the appropriate building principal (or designee).

A student’s transportation services may be suspended or revoked for serious or repeated violations of the student code of conduct. Insubordination towards the transportation driver shall be considered a violation of such code.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
March 21, 2016
October 9, 2023

3821: Transportation - Drivers - Qualifications

3821: Transportation - Drivers - Qualifications holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:57

All student transportation drivers employed by the District (or employed by a transportation contractor for the District) shall be at least 21 years of age and meet all of the requirements of state and federal law for such position. Additionally, all such drivers shall be subject to a satisfactory criminal background check and Nebraska motor vehicle check.

Any student transportation driver who is not subject to periodic or random drug testing under federal or state law shall submit to (and satisfactorily pass) an annual drug test arranged (and paid for) by the District.

“Student transportation driver” shall mean all regularly employed drivers employed by the District (or a contractor for the District) to transport students to school or to activities. “Regularly employed drivers” shall not include teachers, administrators, or other employees whose primary job assignment is other than transporting students.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
March 21, 2016
October 9, 2023

3822: Transportation - Drivers - Training

3822: Transportation - Drivers - Training holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:58

All student transportation drivers employed by the District (or employed by a transportation contractor for the District) shall receive and satisfactorily complete all training required by state and/or federal law.

The District’s administration may provide and require drivers to satisfactorily complete additional training that is not required by state and/or federal law.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
August 1, 2016
May 20, 2024

3823: Transportation - Drivers - Responsibilities

3823: Transportation - Drivers - Responsibilities holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:00

All student transportation drivers employed by the District (or employed by a transportation contractor for the District) shall be responsible for all requirements of such drivers as provided by state and federal law as well as the District’s policies, rules, and administrative directives.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
February 20, 2017
August 19, 2024

3911: Risk Management Insurance Coverage – Property, Casualty, Liability, and Workers’ Compensation

3911: Risk Management Insurance Coverage – Property, Casualty, Liability, and Workers’ Compensation holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:03

The District may purchase property, casualty, liability, workers’ compensation, and other forms of insurance as part of its risk-management program. In making decisions related to such purchases, the Superintendent (or designed) may engage the services of one or more consultants with expertise in the area(s) of insurance being considered.

Date of Adoption
December 7, 2009
December 4, 2017

3911.1: Employee Indemnification/Hold Harmless

3911.1: Employee Indemnification/Hold Harmless holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:05

As a part of their job duties, district employees may administer medication to students in accordance with Rule 59 of the Department of Education and the Medication Aide Act. This may include non-medical professionals.

Employees who administer medication within the scope of their employment in accordance with the Medication Aide Act are generally covered by the District’s liability insurance. To the extent an employee is not fully covered by insurance for all potential losses in this regard, the District will indemnify and hold the employee harmless from all claims brought against the employee related to his/her administration of medication to a student that is within the scope of his/her employment at СѼƵ.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 2008
Date of Revision
December 4, 2017
April 17, 2017

3912: Insurance Coverage – Employee Benefits

3912: Insurance Coverage – Employee Benefits holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:08

The District may purchase health, dental, life, long-term disability, and other forms of insurance to address its obligations under collective bargaining agreements or individual employee contracts. In making decisions related to such purchases, the Superintendent (or designee) may engage the services of one or more consultants with expertise in the area(s) of insurance being considered.

Date of Adoption
December 7, 2009
October 2, 2017

3921: Activity Limitations - Foreign Travel

3921: Activity Limitations - Foreign Travel holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:10

No student travel shall be approved, sponsored, or endorsed in any way by the District (or any of its schools or organizations) if such travel is to countries other than the United States.

Date of Adoption
April 17, 2006
Date of Revision
July 12, 2021
September 15, 2014

3921.1: Activity Limitations - Foreign Travel

3921.1: Activity Limitations - Foreign Travel holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:13

Pursuant to Policy 3921, the District does not sponsor, participate in or endorse any student travel outside of the United States. In furtherance of such policy, the following rules are established:

  1. If a private (non-school-related) organization desires to arrange private foreign travel, the organizational meetings for such travel should be held at non-school locations. However, if the private organization submits a request to use District facilities for such purposes, the request shall comply with the District’s facility use policies and procedures and the organization shall be treated as a for-profit organization. Further, within the first ten minutes and again during the last ten minutes of any meeting held on school property, the individual in charge of such meeting shall inform those in attendance that the travel is in no way sponsored, participated in or endorsed by the СѼƵ.

  2. No money for such private travel shall be deposited into or comingled withDistrict funds nor shall any expenses for such private travel be paid out of District funds.

  3. No fundraising activities for such private travel shall be conducted on school grounds or as part of any District or school activity.

  4. No teacher, administrator, or other employee of the District shall, in his/her capacity as a District employee, promote private travel plans in his/her classroom, at school activities, or during any other time when the teacher is on duty with the District. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a teacher may, during the summer months when he/she is offcontract with the District, provide services to a private organization conducting foreign travel tours.
Date of Adoption
April 17, 2006
Date of Revision
July 12, 2021
September 15, 2014

3922: Activity Limitations - Aircraft & Watercraft

3922: Activity Limitations - Aircraft & Watercraft holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:15

With the exception of regularly scheduled commercial airlines and cruise ships, no activities that result in students riding in aircraft or watercraft shall be approved, supported, or endorsed by the District (or any of its schools or organizations), unless permission is granted by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The term “aircraft” shall include (but not be limited to) airplanes, sailplanes, hang gliders, and hot air balloons. The term “watercraft” shall include (but not be limited to) motor boats, sailboats, canoes, pontoons, and jet skis.

Date of Adoption
April 17, 2006
Date of Revision
June 7, 2021
September 15, 2014

3923: Activity Limitations - Travel Not Sponsored by the District

3923: Activity Limitations - Travel Not Sponsored by the District holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:16

No student travel shall be approved, sponsored, or endorsed in any way by the District (or any of its schools or organizations) if such travel is not a school-sponsored and/or District-sponsored activity.

Date of Adoption
May 21, 2012
August 17, 2020

3923.1: Activity Limitations - Travel Not Sponsored by the District

3923.1: Activity Limitations - Travel Not Sponsored by the District holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 12:20

The District does not sponsor nor endorse any student travel when such travel is not a school-sponsored and/or District-sponsored activity.

If a private (non-school-related) organization desires to arrange private travel, the organizational meetings for such travel should be held at non-school locations. However, if the private organization submits a request to use District facilities for such purposes, the request shall comply with the District’s facility use policies and procedures and the organization shall be treated as a for-profit organization. Further, within the first ten minutes and again during the last ten minutes of any meeting held on District property, the individual in charge of such meeting shall inform those in attendance that the travel is in no way sponsored or endorsed by the District.

No money for such private travel shall be deposited into a District account nor shall any expenses for such private travel be paid out of District funds.

No private travel fundraising activities shall be conducted on District grounds, except as approved pursuant to the District’s facility use policies. No private travel fundraising activities shall be conducted or as part of any school activity.

No teacher, administrator, or other employee of the District shall, in his/her capacity as a District employee, promote private travel plans in his/her classroom, at school activities, or during any other time when the teacher is on duty with the District. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a teacher may,when he/she is not scheduled to work acontract day with the District, provide services to a private organization conducting private travel tours.

Date of Adoption
May 21, 2012
Date of Revision
August 17, 2020