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HSA Bank customer service: 1-800-357-6246
2024 IRS HSA Maximum Allowed
Single: $4,150
Family: $8,100
Got Questions? We've Got Answers. HSA Bank's Frequently Asked Questions section provides answers to all your pertinent health savings account questions.
Verify Your Identity
Watch Your Mail - you will be mailed a welcome kit
One of the most neglected areas of retirement planning is a beneficiary designation. By having a designated beneficiary in place at the time of your death, the assets of your HSA can be distributed according to the designation.
Health Savings Account Investment Options
Mobil App for your Health Savings Account
HSA Bank PowerPoint Presentation 2019 Presentation.
What is a Health Savings Account (HSA)? Who can open an HSA? HSA Advantages, easy ways to contribute.
HSA Bank Log In for your Health Savings Account
HSA Bank's simple calculator shows how much you are eligible to contribute to your Health Savings Account (HSA), as well as how much you should contribute each paycheck to reach the contribution maximum.
HSA Eligibility Rules Am I eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA)? View this document for the eligibility rules.
HSA Expense Eligibility List (Consumerism)
Health Savings Account Eligible Expenses List
Know your investment options with HSABank
IRS Publication 969 on Health Savings Accounts. Qualifying, contributions, limits, reporting.
IRS Forms & Reporting on Your Taxes HSA Bank - health savings accounts - reporting on your taxes
IRS Publication 502 Link for Medical & Dental Eligible Expenses. (Consumerism)
Medicare & HSA Accounts Are you thinking of retiring or terming? Are you covered by a high deductible health plan & contributing to a Health Savings Account (HSA)? Please read about the Medicare 6-month retroactive period.
Medicare & HSAs & Retirement Presentation HSA Bank presentation: Health Savings Accounts & Medicare, and Retirement. November 2019.
Health Savings Accounts and Medicare - What should you know?
With these 25 tips, you can learn to shop for value to get the most out of your health care dollars.