7500.1: Cellular Telephone, Telephone Equipment and Telephone Systems - Acceptable Use

7500.1: Cellular Telephone, Telephone Equipment and Telephone Systems - Acceptable Use holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:27

Telephone communications includes, but is not limited to, analog, digital, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephones, cellular telephones, faxes, pagers, voicemail, text messaging, and associated services. Telephone communications shall be cost effective, compliant with all applicable state and federal laws, and used for the business of the District. All District employees must comply with the following guidelines.

I.    District-Owned Telecommunications Equipment and Systems.

A.  The District shall provide District-owned cellular telephones to employees designated by the Superintendent. Such cellular phones shall be used only for District business. The personal use of such District-owned cellular phones is prohibited, except for very limited use permitted by this Rule and by Nebraska statutes. A violation of the District’s policy against personal use may be grounds for employee discipline and/or criminal sanctions as provided by Nebraska statutes.

B.  All telephones, cellular telephones, associated telephone and cellular equipment, faxes, pagers, voicemail, text messaging, and associated systems, and any messages contained with or generated by District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and systems are the property of the District.

C.  All communications and records associated with the use of District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment or telephone systems may be public records and subject to public disclosure. Such communications and records are also subject to review and audit by the District. There is no individual right to privacy in the use of any District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment or telephone systems and any such use may be monitored as provided by this Rule

D.  All District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems are provided to assist employees in the performance of the duties and responsibilities during their employment with the District. Telephone communications should be limited in number and duration to those necessary to effectively conduct the business of the District.

E.  Employees may request the use of a District-owned cellular telephone or similar telecommunication device. Requests must be initially approved by the employee’s supervisor and the budget manager responsible for said expenditure. Completed requests are submitted to the Superintendent or designee for final review, approval and processing.

II.    Cellular Smartphones, Superintendent, Administrators, & Other Designated Staff

A.  The Superintendent, all administrators, and any other employees as may be designated by the Superintendent which, in the Superintendent’s judgment, are required to be readily available to conduct District business, may, in lieu of using a District-owned cellular phone, elect to purchase a cellular smartphone device, provided that such cellular-smartphone device is capable of receiving both voice and data service, has a service plan that includes both voice and data service, and is capable of meeting the technology (e.g., email) and security (e.g., MFA) requirements of the District. Those employees who elect to purchase a personal cellular smartphone device in lieu of receiving a District-owned cellular phone, may be provided a monthly stipend. Such cellular phones shall be the property of the employee and any stipend shall be included as part of the employee’s compensation. No other reimbursements above the stipend amount shall be allowed.

III.    The Technology Division shall be responsible for acquisition, installation, maintenance, and repair of all District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems. The Technology Division shall also be responsible for the administration of all of the District’s cellular telephones, telephones, and voicemail accounts.

IV.    Department supervisors are responsible for overseeing the use and policy compliance of District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment, and telephone systems.. The Technology Division shall be notified by the Department Supervisors of any needed additions, moves, or changes required to telephone communication services.

V.    District-owned landline telephones shall have voicemail service for designated staff. All voicemail boxes will be protected with a PIN (personal identification number). PINs shall not be shared with others unless approved to do so by their department’s supervisor. Voicemail is to be used as a backup in the event one is not available to answer a call. Each user is expected to respond to voicemail messages in a timely manner. When away from the office for an extended period of time the user should change their voicemail greeting to reflect this fact and direct callers to alternate contacts if possible.

VI.    Use of 411 directory assistance should be avoided since a fee is incurred with each use. Print or online directories should be consulted first.

VII.    Use of other pay-for-use telephone services (e.g. busy signal redial, last call return activation - *69, etc.) should only be used to facilitate the safety and security of District students and staff.

VIII.    Unacceptable Use. Personal use of District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems is prohibited, except for very limited personal use permitted by this Rule and by Nebraska state statutes. District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment and telephone systems shall also not be used for the following purposes:

A.    Transmitting communications and messages that are obscene, profane, or offensive or transmitting any communications and messages while engaging in any illegal activity.

B.    Transmitting communications and messages that violate the District’s anti-harassment policy or transmitting communications and messages that create an intimidating or hostile work environment;

C.    Any unauthorized use of a PIN or other password;

D.    Solicitation or proselytization for commercial, religious, political, personal or any other reason not related to the conduct of the employee’s job duties;

E.    Soliciting to buy or sell goods or services unrelated to the business of the District;

F.    Calling 1-900 and similar pay-for-service phone numbers.

IX.    Limited Personal Use. Personal use of District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment or telephone systems is permitted to contact a child at home, a teacher, a doctor, a day care center, a baby-sitter, a family member, or any other person to inform any such person of an unexpected schedule change or for other essential personal business. Such personal use shall be kept to a minimum and shall not interfere with the performance of District business. Employees shall reimburse the District for any additional cost charged to the District as a result of any acceptable personal use. Any other personal use of District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment or telephone systems is strictly prohibited

X.    Monitoring. The District reserves the right to monitor, review and audit the use of all District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems. The monitoring of such equipment or systems may be done for any reasons. The District further reserves the right to search District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment and telephone systems as part of any investigation into unauthorized use or as part of an investigation into any unauthorized or illegal conduct.

XI.    Supported Services and Repair. District-owned cellular telephones and telephone equipment that is damaged, lost, or stolen must be reported immediately to the Technology Division HelpDesk. If said equipment is damaged, lost, or stolen through acts of negligence, the employee who was assigned such damaged, lost, or stolen cellular phone or telephone equipment will be responsible for reimbursing the District for all repair and/or replacements costs.

XII.    Compliance. Use of District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems shall comply with all applicable policies and rules of the District, and with all applicable state and federal statutes. The District will provide all users with appropriate training for the use of such equipment.

Date of Adoption
March 21, 2005
Date of Revision
November 1, 2010
April 18, 2011
February 1, 2016
March 20, 2023