7100.1: Compliance with Applicable Law

7100.1: Compliance with Applicable Law holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:46

Use of District-owned technology (e.g, hardware, software, server-based systems, & web-based/cloud systems) shall comply with all applicable policies and rules of the District, and with all applicable state and federal statutes..

In an effort to prevent violation of copyright laws and illegal use, the following rules will apply:

I.    The legal and ethical implications of use will be taught to personnel and students at all levels where there is technology use.

II.   The building principal, principal's designee, or appropriate supervisor will be responsible for informing district personnel of the District Computer and Software Policy and Rules.

III.  When permission is obtained from a copyright holder to use software reasonable efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized copying.

IV.   When permission is obtained from copyright holder to use protected digital media (e.g., music, images, ebooks, videos) reasonable efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized use.

V.    Under no circumstances will illegal copies of copyrighted software be made or used on district technology.

VI.   Under no circumstances will illegal copies of protected digital media be made or used on district technology.

VII.  When permission is obtained from a copyright holder to use server-based software or systems reasonable efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized access.

VIII. When permission is obtained from a copyright holder to use web-based/cloud software or systems reasonable efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized access.

IX.  The Executive Director of Technology or designee is authorized to sign software, server-based, and web-based/cloud license agreements for district schools. The District and each school using licensed software, including server-based or web-based/cloud software, shall keep a file containing a signed copy of software agreements for that school.

X.    The school principal or principal's designee will be responsible for establishing practices which will enforce the District Computer and Software Policy and Rule.

XI.   The following uses of district computers and telecommunications devices will be strictly prohibited:

A.  Offensive Messages. The use, display or transmission of (i) sexually explicit images, messages, cartoons; (ii) ethnic slurs or racial epithets; or (iii) acts of terrorism, assault, or threats.

B.  Personal Use. Personal use of District-owned computers and telecommunication devices are permitted to contact a child at home, a teacher, a doctor, a day care center, a baby-sitter, a family member, or any other person to inform any such person of an unexpected schedule change or for other essential personal business. Such personal use shall be kept to a minimum and shall not interfere with the performance of District business. Any other personal use of District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment or telephone systems is strictly prohibited.

C.  Commercial, and/or Religious Messages. Use for the purpose of solicitation or proselytization for commercial, religious, political, or any other non-job-related activity.

D.  Inappropriate Use of Technology. The use of the District’s Technology (e.g., network, Internet, e-mail system, social media, and telecommunications system), shall remain under the control of the District and may only be used for district business subject to applicable law, policy and rule. This includes, but is not limited to, the downloading of any inappropriate materials, games, or other files not required for staff to fulfill their job duties. Sexual harassment and bullying using technology and electronic or digital communications is covered by the same policies and rules in the Student Code of Conduct which prohibit harassment and bullying. 

Violation of this rule may result in disciplinary action.

The District reserves all rights it has under the fair use doctrine of the Copyright Act.

Date of Adoption
May 17, 1993
Date of Revision
December 20, 1999
April 2, 2007
April 13, 2009
November 1, 2010
January 3, 2016
January 23, 2023