6500.1: Assessed Curriculum - Program Evaluation

6500.1: Assessed Curriculum - Program Evaluation holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 09:59


The following steps shall be used in creating a program evaluation design:

Step 1—Setting the Parameters of the Evaluation

a. Determine the purpose of the evaluation: whether the information is to be used for descriptive purposes or to draw causal conclusions about effectiveness
b. Compile program background information: economic, contextual, political, social factors

Step 2—Selecting Evaluation Methodology

a. Determine evaluation questions
b. Determine possible uses of study through stakeholder involvement
c. Design a plan for assessing program effectiveness or reviewing program implementation procedures
d. Design a time line for implementing the evaluation

Step 3—Collecting, Analyzing Data and Reporting Results

a. Implement evaluation design
b. Provide interim reports and modify and adjust as necessary
c. Analyze data to address evaluation questions and communicate preliminary findings with stakeholders
d. Revise, conduct additional analyses as needed
e. Finalize and submit report to Superintendent and Board of Education

Date of Adoption
July 26, 1999
Date of Revision
February 18, 2013
September 5, 2006
August 19, 2019