6262: Taught Curriculum - Field Trips

6262: Taught Curriculum - Field Trips holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:35

Student trips that align with approved curriculum offerings shall be encouraged and shall be permitted under rules established by the Superintendent. Students’ welfare and safety shall be primary considerations.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
June 28, 1999
February 6, 2006
January 7, 2013
November 18, 2024
September 8, 2015
October 16, 2017

6262.1: Taught Curriculum - Field Trips

6262.1: Taught Curriculum - Field Trips holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:37

Field trips shall be considered as instruction and planned as such with definite objectives determined in advance. Lists of curriculum-related field trips shall be made available by the offices of elementary and secondary education.

I.Appropriate instruction shall precede and follow each field trip.

II.All school rules and the District’s Standards for Student Conduct shall be in effect.

III.Written approval of the parent or guardian is required for participation of students in field trips.

IV.At the elementary and middle school levels, all field trips shall begin and end at С»ÆѼÊÓƵ unless approved and communicated by the principal.

V.Field trips requiring school bus transportation shall not interfere with the regularly scheduled transportation of students to and from school.

VI.For a field trip, the teacher should make the request in writing to the principal at least ten days prior to the date desired. Whenever practical, an alternate date should also be listed. The purpose of the field trip and its relation to the course of study must be stated.

VII.The principal shall approve or disapprove curriculum-related field trips and notify the teacher (if the request is disapproved, the reason for the disapproval shall be stated). If approval is given, the principal shall forward a request for school bus service to the transporation office seven days in advance of the date requested.

VIII.Teachers or other certified personnel shall accompany students on all field trips and exercise control over the conduct of the students.

IX.When a field trip is made to a place of business or industry, it shall be required that an employee of the host company serve as conductor.

X.Appropriate educational experience and proper supervision shall be supplied for any students whose parents do not wish them to participate in a field trip.

XI.Certificated staff members will discuss the specific chaperone responsibilities with the volunteer chaperones and provide written guidelines.

XII.Emergency contact information will be accessible while on the field trip.

XIII.In the event of illness or injury, a parent will be contacted immediately so a plan about the student’s welfare can be determined. A principal will be made aware of the situation.

XIV. In the event of serious injury or illness 911 will be called and the parent notified of the situation and hospital location. To the extent that adequate staff is available, a staff member may accompany a student to the hospital. A principal will be made aware of the situation.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
June 28, 1999
February 6, 2006
June 16, 2008
January 7, 2013
September 8, 2015
November 18, 2024
October 16, 2017

6262.2: Overnight Field Trip Guidelines

6262.2: Overnight Field Trip Guidelines holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:42

I. Overnight field trips are an extension of С»ÆѼÊÓƵ day. All school rules apply in addition to the District’s Standards for Student Conduct. 

II. Every effort should be made to use teacher or parent sponsors. Volunteer sponsors must be screened according to the volunteer approval process pursuant to Rule 6910.1. For volunteers, there should be at least a one-month lead time to allow for background checks. 

III. Teachers are on duty during the entire time of the field trip. 

IV. Students will be under the supervision of adults. 

V. The sleeping quarters are gender-specific. 

VI. Volunteer chaperones will report any behavior problems immediately to the certificated staff member(s). 

VII. Certificated staff members will discuss the specific chaperone responsibilities with the volunteer chaperones and provide written guidelines. 

VIII. Consideration of student gender and number of participants should be made when selecting chaperones. 

IX. Emergency contact information will be accessible while on the field trip. 

X. Emergency contact information will be provided to parents. 

XI. In the event of illness or injury, a parent will be contacted immediately so a plan about the student’s welfare can be determined. A designated principal will be on call 24 hours a day during the full length of the trip and will be made aware of any medical or discipline situation. 

XII. In the event of serious illness or injury, 911 will be called and the parent notified of the situation and hospital location. To the extent that adequate staff is available, a staff member may accompany a student to the hospital. A principal will be made aware of the situation.

Date of Adoption
February 6, 2006
Date of Revision
January 7, 2013
September 8, 2015
October 16, 2017
November 18, 2024