7500.2 Student Personal Digital Devices- Acceptable Use

7500.2 Student Personal Digital Devices- Acceptable Use jmcarson1 Thu, 02/06/2020 - 15:00

Each student will be provided a District issued digital device (e.g. laptop, Chromebook, iPad) to be used inside and outside of school to facilitate learning. Ìý

Unless directed by the teacher to support a learning objective, personal digital devices (e.g. cell phones, personal laptops) are not permitted during class time.

The building principal, working in conjunction with building leadership, will develop cell phone or personal digital device expectations for their building and include them in the student handbook. ÌýThe expectations will include:

1.ÌýÌý ÌýThe use of the device(s) during non-instructional timesÌý
2.ÌýÌý ÌýSpecific locations in the building where the device(s) may be used. Ìý
3.ÌýÌý ÌýConsistent plan for storage of the device during instructional times
4.ÌýÌý ÌýAnnual review of expectations with students and staff members. Ìý

Classroom teachers will develop rules consistent with the building expectations and communicate the rules with students. Ìý

The building principal will develop a communication plan for cell phone use and disseminate that information to parents, students, and teachers. Ìý

Date of Adoption
February 3, 2020
Date of Revision
March 20, 2023