7000: Technology
7000: Technology unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:347000: Technology General Policy Statement
7000: Technology General Policy Statement unanimous Tue, 07/30/2019 - 17:07The District will use technology to develop, improve, and provide a comprehensive curriculum; an effective program of instruction; and the efficient administration of the District. Technology is defined as any computer hardware, software, network, server-based, or cloud-based system.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-526, Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-539, Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-2, 104, Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-2, 105, 20 U.S.C. 1232, et seq., 15 U.S.C. §501, et seq., Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 10
7100: Acceptable Use of District Technology
7100: Acceptable Use of District Technology holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:43Staff, students, vendors, and guests using СѼƵ technology will follow all federal laws, state laws, District policies, and District rules governing technology.
The Copyright Act; Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 79-2, 104 and 79-8, 109 (Reissue 1996). CIPA, COPPA, HIPPA
7100.1: Compliance with Applicable Law
7100.1: Compliance with Applicable Law holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:46Use of District-owned technology (e.g, hardware, software, server-based systems, & web-based/cloud systems) shall comply with all applicable policies and rules of the District, and with all applicable state and federal statutes..
In an effort to prevent violation of copyright laws and illegal use, the following rules will apply:
I. The legal and ethical implications of use will be taught to personnel and students at all levels where there is technology use.
II. The building principal, principal's designee, or appropriate supervisor will be responsible for informing district personnel of the District Computer and Software Policy and Rules.
III. When permission is obtained from a copyright holder to use software reasonable efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized copying.
IV. When permission is obtained from copyright holder to use protected digital media (e.g., music, images, ebooks, videos) reasonable efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized use.
V. Under no circumstances will illegal copies of copyrighted software be made or used on district technology.
VI. Under no circumstances will illegal copies of protected digital media be made or used on district technology.
VII. When permission is obtained from a copyright holder to use server-based software or systems reasonable efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized access.
VIII. When permission is obtained from a copyright holder to use web-based/cloud software or systems reasonable efforts will be made to prevent unauthorized access.
IX. The Executive Director of Technology or designee is authorized to sign software, server-based, and web-based/cloud license agreements for district schools. The District and each school using licensed software, including server-based or web-based/cloud software, shall keep a file containing a signed copy of software agreements for that school.
X. The school principal or principal's designee will be responsible for establishing practices which will enforce the District Computer and Software Policy and Rule.
XI. The following uses of district computers and telecommunications devices will be strictly prohibited:
A. Offensive Messages. The use, display or transmission of (i) sexually explicit images, messages, cartoons; (ii) ethnic slurs or racial epithets; or (iii) acts of terrorism, assault, or threats.
B. Personal Use. Personal use of District-owned computers and telecommunication devices are permitted to contact a child at home, a teacher, a doctor, a day care center, a baby-sitter, a family member, or any other person to inform any such person of an unexpected schedule change or for other essential personal business. Such personal use shall be kept to a minimum and shall not interfere with the performance of District business. Any other personal use of District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment or telephone systems is strictly prohibited.
C. Commercial, and/or Religious Messages. Use for the purpose of solicitation or proselytization for commercial, religious, political, or any other non-job-related activity.
D. Inappropriate Use of Technology. The use of the District’s Technology (e.g., network, Internet, e-mail system, social media, and telecommunications system), shall remain under the control of the District and may only be used for district business subject to applicable law, policy and rule. This includes, but is not limited to, the downloading of any inappropriate materials, games, or other files not required for staff to fulfill their job duties. Sexual harassment and bullying using technology and electronic or digital communications is covered by the same policies and rules in the Student Code of Conduct which prohibit harassment and bullying.
Violation of this rule may result in disciplinary action.
The District reserves all rights it has under the fair use doctrine of the Copyright Act.
The Copyright Act; Neb. Rev. Stat. § 49-14, 101.01 (3)
7100.2: Right of Access
7100.2: Right of Access holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:49The District reserves the right to have access to all programs, files, and creations of any description which, reside on District technology or systems.
7100.3: Access to Student and/or Personnel Records
7100.3: Access to Student and/or Personnel Records holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:51School volunteers and district personnel shall not have access to student and/or personnel records unless specifically authorized or permitted by law. Digital files containing personnel records are subject to board policy 4115 and rule 4115.1, board policy 7400 and rule 7400.1, and the rights of privacy created by Nebraska statute. Digital files containing student records are also subject to board policy 5710 and rule 5710.1, board policy 7400 and rule 7400.1, and the rights of confidentiality created by federal and state law.
Use of technology to store or transmit student and/or personnel data are to follow district policy, rule, and guidelines relating to the confidentiality of students and/or personnel records. This rule applies to files that are maintained centrally by the District, as well as those created and maintained at СѼƵ level.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 79-2, 104 and 79-8, 109 (Reissue 1996).
7100.4: Account Lifecycle Management
7100.4: Account Lifecycle Management jmcarson1 Fri, 03/24/2023 - 14:40СѼƵ automates staff and student account creation, modification, and deactivation using an Identity Management System (IDM). The Superintendent or designee will create procedures for lifecycle management of staff and student accounts.
7305: Web and Social Media Publishing
7305: Web and Social Media Publishing holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:55The District and its schools will communicate using the Internet and approved social media sites to inform the public and advance the mission of the District. All District Internet web pages and approved social media sites shall be used only for purposes related to District communications, to the educational curriculum of the District, and/or administration of the District. Commercial, political, and/or private use of any of the District’s web pages and approved social media sites is strictly prohibited except as approved by the Superintendent or designee. All District technology, web pages, and social media sites are public property and no right of individual privacy shall extend to the technology, or any information or communications stored or contained onthe technology, or any of its components or software, or to the web pages, and social mediasites. The administration reserves the right to monitor any technology activity and online communications, including, but not limited to, web pages and approved social media sites, for improper use.
7305.1: District Internet Web Pages and Social Media Sites
7305.1: District Internet Web Pages and Social Media Sites holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:57I. Definitions
A. Social Media - is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community- based input, online interaction, content sharing, and collaboration (e.g., websites and applications dedicated toforums,blogging,social networking, andsocial curation).
B. Approved Social Media Site – All social media sites must be approved by the Executive Director of Technology for technical requirements and compliance issues. In addition, approved social media sites must have been reviewed and approved by the Director of Communications and/or have been approved by the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services for use in student learning activities and teacher-parent-student communications about learning. .
C. Professional Responsibility – The employee may use District approved social media sites to support communication and/or instruction. Professional responsibility occurs when there is the presentation of oneself as a representative of the District or employee thereof, whose activities are job related and is subject to the District’s policies, rules, procedures, and guidelines.
D. Personal Responsibility – the presentation of oneself in a manner that is outside professional responsibility in all comments, posting, etc. Personal responsibility encompasses that which is not job related.
II. Accountability
A. District employees who utilize web or social media sites in pursuit of their professional responsibilities are subject to the District’s Code of Ethics (Policy 4155 and Rule 4155.1)and the District’s Professional Boundaries and Staff Relationships with Students (Policy 4153 and Rule 4153.1).
B. Each staff member who creates a web page or any part of a web page or supervises the creation of a web page or uses an approved social media site or any part of an approved social media site or supervises the creation of an approved social media site is responsible for the content and must inform the Superintendent/designee or Principal/designee of the existence and the intent/purpose of the page prior to such web site or approved social media site being accessible on the Internet. This includes student-produced web pages and social media content.
C. Each web page or approved social media author or contributing web page and approved social media site author shall assume professional responsibility for the information being educationally appropriate, current, accurate (including having correct spelling and grammar), and adhering to District policies and rules. This includes students who author or contribute to the creation of a web page or approved social media site.
D. All District or building web pages and approved social media sites shall have a staff member who shall monitor and be responsible for approving the content of the information, which is accessible on each web and approved social media site.
E. The content of the information shall be in compliance with the District’s policies and rules including, but not limited to, the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Policies and Rules 1115.1(I), 1306.1, 3150.1, 4001, 4145.1, 4155.1, 4153, 4153.1, 4155, 4156.1, 5010, 5020, 5300.3, 5400.6, 5510.1(I), 5800.1, 6002, 6265, 6605.1(I), 7100.1, and 7310.1, which are incorporated herein.
F. Guidelines for web pages and the use of approved social media sites shall be established by the Superintendent or designee and shall be available to staff..
III. Professional Responsibility and Personal Responsibility
A. Professional Responsibility. When using District web pages and/or approved social media sites, staff may not engage in the following:
1. Simultaneously identify oneself as a District employee and send, solicit, or display materials thatare offensive, including sexually oriented material, graphic depictions of violence, or material thatoffends or harasses on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
gender, gender identity, marital status, disability, or age.
2. Unprofessional communication that could negatively impact the District’s reputation or interfere with the District’s core mission, or unprofessional/inappropriate communication regarding members of the District’s community.
3. Acting as a representative of the District, or acting in a way that would infer that one is a District representative or acting for and on behalf of the District when not authorized to do so (e.g., contacting the media or government officials with District e-mail, responding to complaints or questions about District business on Internet discussion groups, etc.).
4. Sending, receiving, printing or otherwise disseminating proprietary data, trade secrets or other confidential information in violation of District policy, proprietary agreements or other contractual terms. Using District-owned data or work product for personal gain. Using District trademarks (e.g., name, logos), or branding without authorization from the Office of Communications.
5. Inappropriately sharing confidential information related to District business, including but not limited to, personnel actions, internal investigations, research material, or student information.
6. Any activity in violation of local, state, or federal law as it relates to the staff member’s employment with the District, including, but not limited to, defamatory remarks; destruction of District data or equipment; or accessing or sharing information in violation of HIPAA, FERPA, CIPA, or COPPA. This includes any activity that would cause the District to not be in compliance with state or federal law.
7. Any activity in violation of District policies and rules, including, but not limited to the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Policies and Rules 1115.1(I), 1306.1, 3150.1, 4001, 4145.1, 4153, 4153.1, 4155, 4155.1, 4156.1, 5010, 5020, 5300.3, 5400.6, 5510.1(I), 5800.1, 6002, 6265, 6605.1(I), 7100.1, and 7310.1, which are incorporated herein.
B. Personal Responsibility. When using non-District web pages and/or personal social media sites outside of the duties as a staff member of the District, staff should consider the following:
1. For certificated staff, the District’s Code of Ethics and the State Standards of Professional Practice are applicable.
2.The requirements for all staff under the Professional Boundaries and Staff Relationships with Students Policy and Rule.
3. District staff are responsible for all matters which they post or publish.
4. All matters which may be posted or published, including photographs, should reflect high standards of professionalism and professional discretion, and should not negatively or adversely impact relations with students, parents, other staff, or the community.
5. Staff should not “friend” students or parents on their personal social mediapages until the student has been graduated from the District for a least one year.
IV. Privacy
A. All reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that the use of the Internet or approved social media sites shall not abridge the right of privacy of students or staff as provided by law, including but not limited to FERPA, HIPAA, CIPA, and COPPA.
B. Staff may publish student photographs and first names (except for those students who have a Letter of Directory Information on file). Exceptions beyond first names may be made by the Superintendent or their designee, or the Principal or their designee, for other identifying information when special circumstances dictate (e.g., athletic contests, special achievements, student recognitions).
C. Group and individual photographs may be published without permission if names are not used.
D. Student Directory Information (as described below) may be made available on District web pages in compliance with the District’s policies and rules. Directory information appropriate for the web includes the following:
1. First and last name ;
2. Current grade level;
3. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports;
4. Weight and height of members of athletic teams;
5. Degrees and awards received; and
6. Photographs
V. Partners for Education, PTO/PTA Organizations, and Booster Clubs
A. Partners for Education partners, PTO/PTA organizations, and Booster Clubs may be identified as supporters of the District.
B. There shall be no web links to commercial web sites that are of a promotional nature except as approved by the Superintendent or designee.
C. District or building web sites may contain links to governmental agencies, District affiliated organizations which were organized and exist for the sole purpose of supporting the District’s
educational and extracurricular programs, other educational institutions, public libraries, and public museums.
VI. Fundraising Activities
A. Information about school-related fundraising activities can be published including information about the product, the name of the sponsor and/or telephone number.
B. There shall be no on-line purchasing and such use of the District’s computers is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the Superintendent or designee.
C. District and building websites shall not facilitate online purchasing unless authorized by the Superintendent or designee.
VII. Interactive Use
A. District e-mail addresses of staff and Board members are allowed to be published.
B. When District e-mail addresses are published, the following disclaimer should appear on that page: “These e-mail addresses are for use by staff, students, and parents relating to school business only. Solicitation is prohibited.”
C. Individual student’s e-mail addresses may be disseminated but must be protected by a unique password for each student on servers as identified in Section VIII.
VIII. Where Information Resides
A. All digital information shall be accessible to the Internet on District-controlled servers or District- controlled cloud based services under the District’s domain name approved by the Superintendent or designee.
B. All District policies and rules apply regardless of where the web sites reside.
IX. Not an Open or Public Forum
A. The District does not by this Rule create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the acceptable District web pages and approved social media sites.
B. The District reserves the right to monitor, review, and audit the use of District web pages and approved social media sites. The District further reserves the right to search District web pages and approved social media sites as part of any investigation into unauthorized use or prohibited or illegal conduct.
X. Violations of this Rule may result in disciplinary action.
7310: Cybersecurity Protection Measures
7310: Cybersecurity Protection Measures holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:10The District will implement cybersecurity protection measures consistent with Federal, State, and District requirements. The District will take all reasonable steps to protect the online privacy of staff and students. The operation and use of СѼƵ Public School’s technology resources by staff, students, vendors, and guests shall be consistent with this policy. All staff and students shall be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals online, cyberbullying awareness, and how to report inappropriate online interactions. The Superintendent or their designees are authorized and directed to establish and enforce procedures to implement this policy.
47 U.S.C. § 254, 47 C.F.R. § 54.520
7310.1: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Content Filtering
7310.1: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Content Filtering holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:13I. Internet Technology Protection. The District will provide technology protection measure as required by law. Technology protection measures will filter sites containing visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, and/or with respect to technology use by minors, harmful to minors.
II. Definitions.
A. The term “technology protection measure” means a specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that are:
Obscene, as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1460;
Child pornography, as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2256; or
Harmful to minors.
B.The term “harmful to minors” means any picture, image or graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:
Taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;
Depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific values as to minors.
C.The term “minor” means an individual who has not attained the age of 17.
D. The term “sexual act” or “sexual contact” have the meanings given such terms in 18 U.S.C. § 2246.
III. Disabling Internet Filtering.
A. Requests to disable or to bypass the technology protection measures shall be made to the Executive Director for Technology who shall review said requests and Internet sites to ensure that the content is not a violation of the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
B. The Superintendent or designee is authorized to disable the technology protection measures so as to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.
IV. Internet Safety and Prevention of Inappropriate Use. The District shall take all necessary and practical measures to prevent students from accessing inappropriate material online, to prevent unlawful and/or inappropriate use of the Internet and to promote safety and security while using the District’s online network.
A.The inappropriate use of the District’s online network is prohibited.
1.Inappropriate use includes: (a) unauthorized access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web; (b) unauthorized access, including so-called hacking and other unlawful activities; (c) the unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors; and (d) any activity that is prohibited by State or Federal law and by District policies.
B. To the extent practical, the District shall promote the safety and security of users of the District’s online computer network when using email or other forms of electronic communications.
C. The building principal, principal’s designee, or appropriate supervisor or teacher will be responsible for monitoring student usage of the Internet to ensure compliance with this and related District rules and policies.
D. The District will provide age-appropriate training for students who use the District’s network. The training will be designed to promote the District’s commitment to:
1. The standards and acceptable use of Internet services set forth in this and related District rules and policies; and
2. Student safety with regard to safety on the Internet, appropriate behavior while online and cyberbullying awareness and response.
V. Privacy. While complying with the provisions of the Children’s Internet Protection Act, all reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that the use of the Internet shall not abridge the right of privacy of students or staff as provided by law including, but not limited to, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Children’s Internet Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. § 254, 47 C.F.R. § 54.520
7310.2: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Password Creation and Management
7310.2: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Password Creation and Management jmcarson1 Mon, 02/13/2023 - 16:10To ensure security for staff and student accounts the following requirements will be followed. Staff passwords are not accessible by District Technology Staff. Staff passwords can be reset by District Technology or by the individual staff member using the portal. Student passwords are the property of the District and will be managed as such.
Staff Password Requirements:
1. Initial passwords are created by the District. Staff are expected to change this password during their onboarding process.
2. Passwords must be a minimum of fifteen characters long.
3. Staff will be required to reset their password if alerted by the Technology Division that their account or password is compromised. Staff failing to comply with this measure will have their password reset by the Technology Division which may suspend that staff member’s access to systems.
Student Password Requirements:
1. Passwords are created by the District and shared with students.
2. To change a student password the building administrator will make a request with the Technology Division.
3. Changes to student passwords will be communicated to СѼƵ.
4. In the event that a student account or password is compromised the student password will be reset by the Technology Division.
7310.3: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
7310.3: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) jmcarson1 Mon, 02/13/2023 - 16:09Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security feature that requires a user to validate their identity using something you know (e.g., user name and password) and something you have (e.g., your phone/fob) to access a District computer system or resource. Staff members will be assigned to one of the following levels based on their job function:
MFA Levels
Level III (High)
MFA at the device level (login into the computer), MPS portal, and any services not available through the portal that can implement MFA through DUO.
Level II (Medium)
MPS portal and other online services not available through the portal that can implement MFA through DUO.
Level I (Minimum)
MPS portal only. Staff will only be required to MFA into the MPS portal. The portal allows access to the most widely used web-based services of staff.
Level 0 (No MFA)
Users are not required to utilize MFA to access to any systems. Level 0 users do not have email access outside the MPS domain.
7310.4: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Disaster Recovery
7310.4: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Disaster Recovery jmcarson1 Mon, 02/13/2023 - 16:08The Superintendent or their designee will identify critical business assets, and define the systems and activities needed to ensure their continuity in a physical or cybersecurity disaster.
7310.5: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Data Encryption & Retention
7310.5: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Data Encryption & Retention jmcarson1 Mon, 02/13/2023 - 16:07The Superintendent or their designee will define when encryption will be used on District systems and equipment, what encryption technologies or algorithms are acceptable, and the length of time encrypted data will be retained.
7310.6: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Email
7310.6: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Email jmcarson1 Mon, 02/13/2023 - 16:04Email is essential for СѼƵ. Due to its potential to introduce security threat(s) to our network and systems, staff and students are expected to use common sense when sending and receiving emails using СѼƵ Public School accounts. The District will administer and secure the СѼƵ Public School’s email system so that it allows staff and students to be productive while at the same time working to prevent email-related security incidents.
The Superintendent or their designee will implement procedures and systems necessary to meet the requirement of this rule.
7310.7: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Physical Network Infrastructure Security
7310.7: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Physical Network Infrastructure Security jmcarson1 Mon, 02/13/2023 - 16:00Physical network security measures will be established by the Superintendent or their designee. Physical security measures will prevent access by unauthorized personnel to our Main Distribution Facilities (MDFs), Intermediate Distribution Facilities (IDFs), and other network locations.
Access to MDFs, IDFs, and other network locations will be controlled by the СѼƵ Technology Division. The storing of any non-network or non-technical equipment, without authorization by the Technology Division, is prohibited in these areas.
The use of MDFs, IDFs, and other network locations for any other school purpose is prohibited unless authorized by the Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director of Technology, or the District Technology Manager.
7310.8: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Virtual Private Network (VPN) Remote Access
7310.8: Cyber Security Protection Measures: Virtual Private Network (VPN) Remote Access jmcarson1 Mon, 02/13/2023 - 15:57The Superintendent or their designee will define rules for connecting to the СѼƵ Public School’s network and systems from outside our Wide Area Network (WAN) using VPN connections. They will also specify what remote authentication methods can be used and what other security measures are necessary for access.
7400: Electronic Records Retention & Disposition
7400: Electronic Records Retention & Disposition holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:16The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for the retention and disposition of all District records.All District records may be maintained and stored in an electronic format or in some other approved manner or format.
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-539
20 U.S.C. § 1232, et seq.
15 U.S.C. § 501, et seq.
7400.1: Electronic Records Retention & Disposition
7400.1: Electronic Records Retention & Disposition holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:19The District may maintain student records in an electronic or digital format. The District may maintain electronic or digital student and staff records on District controlled servers, contracted third party hosted servers, and/or web-based/cloud servers. The District shall take steps to ensure that the confidentiality and privacy of the student and staff records are maintained as provided by state and federal law and the District’s policies and rules.
A. The District shall take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that the use of the Internet or contracted third part hosted services for the gathering, maintaining and/or storing of District information shall not abridge the right of privacy of students and staff as provided by law.
B. The District shall take all steps necessary for all users of a contracted third party hosted service maintaining, gathering and storing District information to have a unique user name and unique user password and to protect the confidentiality of such user names and passwords.
C. The District shall require that any contracted third party hosted service used by the District have software or mechanisms in place to alert the service of any intrusions or attempted intrusions into the database by unauthorized users. The contracted third party hosted service shall provide to the District upon request an intrusion analysis setting out to the extent possible the dates, times, and places or other applicable information of attempted intrusions by unauthorized computers or persons to the service.
D. The District shall require that any contracted third party hosted service maintaining, gathering and storing District information maintain a log of all requests for access to information for any student contained on the contracted third party hosted service.
E. The District shall require the contracted third party hosted services to have verifiable parental consent and District authorization (i.e., written or digital) prior to the collection of personally identifiable information from a student.
F. All student or District information contained on the contracted third party hosted servers accessible through the Internet shall be secured utilizing, at a minimum, 256-bit encryption.
G. Any third party hosted service shall, at the requirement of the District, upgrade its encryption software as may be required from time to time to ensure complains with generally accepted encryption standards.
H. The District shall be granted access to all privacy policies, end user license agreements, encryption certificates, access logs documenting requests for information from any database containing information of District students, student records and/or parents.
A. No personally identifiable information about any student obtained by, maintained by, retained by, or gathered by the contracted third party hosted service for and on behalf of the District shall be disclosed to any third parties, except to the extent necessary to the operation and maintenance of the service site.
B. Information may only be gathered by a contracted third party hosted service in the aggregate and may only be used for the purposes of providing educational services to the District and for internal company use only. No personally identifiable information about any student may be utilized by the contracted third party hosted service for any reason without prior authorization (i.e., written or digital) by the District and parental consent as may be required by law.
C. Any personally identifiable information regarding any student of the District maintained, retained, or gathered by a contracted third party hosted service must be destroyed in compliance with the legal requirements of law and District policies and rules. Personally identifiable information includes but is not limited to Permanent Student Records, Subsidiary Student Records, Special Education Records, and any Electronic Student Records as defined in District Rule 5720.1
A. All data pertaining to any educational information of any student of the District shall be returned to the District upon termination of the contracted third party hosted service provider contract or other agreement at the option of the District.
B. At no time will the District’s information or any student information maintained, retained, or gathered by the contracted third party hosted service be deemed to be the property of the service.
C. Upon termination of any contract or the relationship with the contracted third party hosted service and after the return of all District and student information and date the service shall provide the District with a statement that all known copies of said information have been destroyed.
A. Tracking software or mechanisms which may be utilized by the contracted third party hosted service that allow the service to store information about a user on that user’s own computer shall not be allowed to collect any personally identifiable information except to the extent necessary to track the user’s activities within a particular site. When the contracted third party hosted services are terminated the tracking software or mechanism shall be removed or terminated.
B. Any software or mechanism that allows the contracted third party hosted service to store its own information about a user on the user’s own computer which persists or remains a part of the user’s computer and which is or may be automatically activated, updated and shared with the service when the user reconnects to the service shall not be permitted except to the extent that as a “persistent cookie” it is utilized to retain individual unique password and/or user name information for the purposes of logging in to the contracted third party hosted service to access the site.
C. Any information collected from or by the utilization of tracking software by a contracted third party hosted service may be retained by the service only to the extent reasonably necessary to upgrade, update and make navigation of the services’ site more efficient.
D. Any and all information collected or maintained by a contracted third part hosted service shall be maintained or retained in compliance with the requirements of these rules and any other applicable policies or rules relating to personally identifiable educational information and in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 15 U.S.C. § 501 et seq.
FERPA, 20 U.S.C. § 1232, et seq.
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-2, 104-105
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-539
7400.2: Retention of Electronic Mail (E-Mail) Records
7400.2: Retention of Electronic Mail (E-Mail) Records holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:21The District shall take steps to ensure the retention of District electronic mail (e-mail) records that are deemed public records in compliance with the applicable state laws.
a. Standardized retention and filing guidelines shall be implemented by the District for the retention and retrieval of District e-mail designated for retention.
b. Electronic Mail (e-mail) and all attachments transmitted, created or received through/on the District system are Public records and are subject to retention and public inspection, unless excluded by specific statute or legal privilege. State Records Admin. (S. of S.) Electronic Messaging and E-Mail Guidelines, §006.01, March 2003.
c. E-mail of the District shall be categorized, retained and produced in accordance with State Statutes, applicable State Rules and District Policies.
i. Any e-mail record containing information pertaining to the operations and business of the District and not otherwise excluded herein shall be maintained by the District and shall be available to the public for inspection and copying.
ii. Any e-mail of the District which constitutes student records as that term is defined by Federal and State law and by the applicable District policies and rules shall be maintained by the District as required by law and District policy but shall not be disseminated as a public record.
iii. Any e-mail of the District which constitutes confidential personnel information as that term is defined by Federal and State law and District policy and rule shall be maintained by the District as required by law and District policy but shall not be disseminated as a public record.
iv. Any e-mail of the District which is subject to any legal privilege created and recognized by law or statute. Such records shall be retained and maintained by the District but shall not be disseminated as a public record.
v. Transitory e-mail pertaining to or constituting informal or casual and routine communications similar to telephone conversations need not be retained. Such messages include, but are not limited to, personal e- mail, junk e-mail (“spam”), date and time confirmations, routine updates, and communications not necessary or essential to performing District functions or transacting District business.
a. Throughout any required retention period e-mail records (archives) should be reasonably accessible. State Records Admin. (S. of S.) Electronic Messaging and E-Mail Guidelines, §006.12, March 2003.
b. The District shall implement the necessary process and procedures for the storage, retention and retrieval of e-mail records on the District system. The District may use Records Management Application (RMA) software to manage records in a digital form, which complies with “Design Criteria Standards for Electronic Management Software Applications” as issued by the U.S. Department of Defense. State Records Admin. (S. of S.) Electronic Messaging and E-Mail Guidelines, §007.09, March 2003.
c. The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for the record keeping and management of any centralized electronic system by which e-mail is maintained, stored and provided, and shall provide for access to the e-mail of the District as required by law.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §84-1201, et seq. (Reissue 1999)
Electronic Messaging and E-Mail Guidelines, State Records Admin, March 2003
7500: Cellular Telephone, Telephone Equipment and Telephone Systems - Acceptable Use
7500: Cellular Telephone, Telephone Equipment and Telephone Systems - Acceptable Use holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:24Telephone communication, in its various forms, is an essential part of the day-to-day operations of the СѼƵ. Telephone communications are utilized by District employees to effectively and efficiently conduct District business. The Superintendent or designee shall establish guidelines for the utilization of telephone communications and associated systems within the District.
7500.1: Cellular Telephone, Telephone Equipment and Telephone Systems - Acceptable Use
7500.1: Cellular Telephone, Telephone Equipment and Telephone Systems - Acceptable Use holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:27Telephone communications includes, but is not limited to, analog, digital, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephones, cellular telephones, faxes, pagers, voicemail, text messaging, and associated services. Telephone communications shall be cost effective, compliant with all applicable state and federal laws, and used for the business of the District. All District employees must comply with the following guidelines.
I. District-Owned Telecommunications Equipment and Systems.
A. The District shall provide District-owned cellular telephones to employees designated by the Superintendent. Such cellular phones shall be used only for District business. The personal use of such District-owned cellular phones is prohibited, except for very limited use permitted by this Rule and by Nebraska statutes. A violation of the District’s policy against personal use may be grounds for employee discipline and/or criminal sanctions as provided by Nebraska statutes.
B. All telephones, cellular telephones, associated telephone and cellular equipment, faxes, pagers, voicemail, text messaging, and associated systems, and any messages contained with or generated by District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and systems are the property of the District.
C. All communications and records associated with the use of District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment or telephone systems may be public records and subject to public disclosure. Such communications and records are also subject to review and audit by the District. There is no individual right to privacy in the use of any District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment or telephone systems and any such use may be monitored as provided by this Rule
D. All District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems are provided to assist employees in the performance of the duties and responsibilities during their employment with the District. Telephone communications should be limited in number and duration to those necessary to effectively conduct the business of the District.
E. Employees may request the use of a District-owned cellular telephone or similar telecommunication device. Requests must be initially approved by the employee’s supervisor and the budget manager responsible for said expenditure. Completed requests are submitted to the Superintendent or designee for final review, approval and processing.
II. Cellular Smartphones, Superintendent, Administrators, & Other Designated Staff
A. The Superintendent, all administrators, and any other employees as may be designated by the Superintendent which, in the Superintendent’s judgment, are required to be readily available to conduct District business, may, in lieu of using a District-owned cellular phone, elect to purchase acellular smartphone device, provided that such cellular-smartphone device is capable of receiving both voice and data service,has a service plan that includes both voice and data service, and is capable of meeting the technology (e.g., email) and security (e.g., MFA) requirements of the District. Those employees who elect to purchase a personal cellular smartphone device in lieu of receiving a District-owned cellular phone, may be provided amonthly stipend. Such cellular phones shall be the property of the employee and any stipend shall be included as part of the employee’s compensation. No other reimbursements above the stipend amount shall be allowed.
III. The Technology Division shall be responsible for acquisition, installation, maintenance, and repair of all District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems. The Technology Division shall also be responsible for the administration of all of the District’s cellular telephones, telephones, and voicemail accounts.
IV. Department supervisors are responsible for overseeing the use and policy compliance of District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment, and telephone systems.. The Technology Division shall be notified by the Department Supervisors of any needed additions, moves, or changes required to telephone communication services.
V. District-owned landline telephones shall have voicemail service for designated staff. All voicemail boxes will be protected with a PIN (personal identification number). PINs shall not be shared with others unless approved to do so by their department’s supervisor. Voicemail is to be used as a backup in the event one is not available to answer a call. Each user is expected to respond to voicemail messages in a timely manner. When away from the office for an extended period of time the user should change their voicemail greeting to reflect this fact and direct callers to alternate contacts if possible.
VI. Use of 411 directory assistance should be avoided since a fee is incurred with each use. Print or online directories should be consulted first.
VII. Use of other pay-for-use telephone services (e.g. busy signal redial, last call return activation - *69, etc.) should only be used to facilitate the safety and security of District students and staff.
VIII. Unacceptable Use.Personal use of District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems is prohibited, except for very limited personal use permitted by this Rule and by Nebraska state statutes. District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment and telephone systems shall also not be used for the following purposes:
A. Transmitting communications and messages that are obscene, profane, or offensive or transmitting any communications and messages while engaging in any illegal activity.
B. Transmitting communications and messages that violate the District’s anti-harassment policy or transmitting communications and messages that create an intimidating or hostile work environment;
C. Any unauthorized use of a PIN or other password;
D. Solicitation or proselytization for commercial, religious, political, personal or any other reason not related to the conduct of the employee’s job duties;
E. Soliciting to buy or sell goods or services unrelated to the business of the District;
F. Calling 1-900 and similar pay-for-service phone numbers.
IX. Limited Personal Use.Personal use of District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment or telephone systems is permitted to contact a child at home, a teacher, a doctor, a day care center, a baby-sitter, a family member, or any other person to inform any such person of an unexpected schedule change or for other essential personal business. Such personal use shall be kept to a minimum and shall not interfere with the performance of District business. Employees shall reimburse the District for any additional cost charged to the District as a result of any acceptable personal use. Any other personal use of District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment or telephone systems is strictly prohibited
X. Monitoring. The District reserves the right to monitor, review and audit the use of all District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems. The monitoring of such equipment or systems may be done for any reasons. The District further reserves the right to search District-owned cellular phones, telephone equipment and telephone systems as part of any investigation into unauthorized use or as part of an investigation into any unauthorized or illegal conduct.
XI. Supported Services and Repair.District-owned cellular telephones and telephone equipment that is damaged, lost, or stolen must be reported immediately to the Technology Division HelpDesk. If said equipment is damaged, lost, or stolen through acts of negligence, the employee who was assigned such damaged, lost, or stolen cellular phone or telephone equipment will be responsible for reimbursing the District for all repair and/or replacements costs.
XII. Compliance.Use of District-owned cellular telephones, telephone equipment and telephone systems shall comply with all applicable policies and rules of the District, and with all applicable state and federal statutes. The District will provide all users with appropriate training for the use of such equipment.
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 49-14, 101.01 (3)
7500.2 Student Personal Digital Devices- Acceptable Use
7500.2 Student Personal Digital Devices- Acceptable Use jmcarson1 Thu, 02/06/2020 - 15:00Each student will be provided a District issued digital device (e.g. laptop, Chromebook, iPad) to be used inside and outside of school to facilitate learning.
Unless directed by the teacher to support a learning objective, personal digital devices (e.g. cell phones, personal laptops) are not permitted during class time.
The building principal, working in conjunction with building leadership, will develop cell phone or personal digital device expectations for their building and include them in the student handbook. The expectations will include:
1. The use of the device(s) during non-instructional times
2. Specific locations in the building where the device(s) may be used.
3. Consistent plan for storage of the device during instructional times
4. Annual review of expectations with students and staff members.
Classroom teachers will develop rules consistent with the building expectations and communicate the rules with students.
The building principal will develop a communication plan for cell phone use and disseminate that information to parents, students, and teachers.
7600: Access Control and Video Management
7600: Access Control and Video Management holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 11:30The Board of Education has the responsibility to maintain and protect the property of the district and to provide for the safety and security of its students, staff and visitors. To meet this responsibility, the District may utilize access control and video management systems at its facilities and in school buses and vehicles used by the District. The use of such access control and video management systems shall be subject to the procedures promulgated by the Superintendent (or designee).